Saturday, 7 May 2011


Saturdays are busy here. There are things that must be done. There's no getting around it and everyone has these days. Busy schedules and all. That is why I like the holidays. We can relax and therefore we have more fun. Well, I have more fun. I can attest to that.

But that doesn't mean that I can't squeeze in a little sewing between the 'must do' things of today. So my stars have increased by a few more -

Could someone please tell me why I never noticed that whacking big blue dot in the middle of the pale green star until I took a flippin' photo of it?! That is going to bug the hell out of me now. It was a pale green fabric with dots on it so I shouldn't be surprised but I just didn't notice. How on earth not, because now it is leaping off the computer screen and sticking its tongue out at me? I may find myself forced to pick that one out and add a different fabric. That dot does not work for me one little bit.

Meanwhile there are nine wonky, different coloured stars (and one huge blue dot) -

So, I have to decide if I want to make any more stars, repeating colour shades, or if I can think of how I would want to lay out these nine in a quilt and what else I would add to said quilt that would make it all work together. Hmmmm...

... deep thought required. That may be a Monday - it's all quiet around here again - task.

Well, one of Saturday's 'things to do' may involve taking Emily to dance but waiting while she does her thing does provide opportunity to crochet so the light is at the end of the tunnel for the latest little baby blanket. Just a couple more laps with the hook and it will be done.

As much as I would like to stay and chat a while longer, I can't. Bah! More laundry is hollering my name. Oh, the glamorous life of the stay-at-home mum.



  1. You were just too busy looking at all those blimming seams on the backside to notice the important bits on the front - been there!! I hate having a 'niggle' like that; swap it out quickly to stop it driving you potty! They do look beautiful though!

  2. Your crochet baby blanket looks fab - what a treat for the recipient.

  3. Great blocks! I had a go at one today, will blog it tomorrow. Crochet blanket looking gorgeous! Jxo

  4. Susan, You were ranting. Way to go.


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