Wednesday 13 April 2011

An Unacceptable Career Choice

I have made an unacceptable career choice. I know. I know because I have had it pointed out to me - both subtly and very unsubtly. By a wide variety of people.

When I left home at the age of 18 to move 3,000 miles away and work as a waitress that was accepted.

When I worked for almost ten years in hotels, restaurants and bars that was accepted.

When I went back to college to study Travel & Tourism and then went to sea as a Pursers Officer on a cruise ship that was positively applauded.

When I left the ships and took jobs as a PA and was bored senseless (despite having two of the nicest bosses ever), that was accepted.

But when I decided to be a stay-at-home-mum I seem to have tread on a lot of toes. It is not a socially acceptable choice to a lot of people. And they feel that they have every right to tell you so.

Over the years comments have morphed from 'Are you going to get a job?' to 'When are you getting a job?' to the far more blunt 'Get a job!'

I have a job. And I like my job. My husband was in on the decision that this would be my job and he is happy for me to be in this position. I take care of my family and I do it to the best of my ability.

I am not an over achiever. I am not an obsessive housewife - which is why you don't see photos of the house!

I do not decorate. We are in the fifth house we have lived in during our ten years in the UK. Rental  houses come in a standard magnolia colour and they stay that way.

I like to cook. I like to sew. I like to crochet. I decided to blog about these things. Apparantly - to some people - this indicated that I have too much time on my hands.


I love my family. I like my life. They are happy. I am happy.

Enough said.


* Thanks to everyone who left a comment and support today. I have recovered from my rant and shall now eat some chocolate and enjoy my life.


  1. I`ve had some great jobs but nothing compares to what I`m doing now. We`re doing the most important job in the world - nurturing our families.

  2. Good for you and well said - perhaps the people who think you should be out working are jealous of your choice. And, as Annabella said, there is no job more important than our families.
    keep up the good work

  3. Enjoy your current career choice! When I had my little boy 9 years ago I took five years off work with him and they were the happiest five years of my life doing a job I loved and felt privileged to do. Our little family was sane, cared for, everything was rational and we were happy. But during that time I felt practically invisible to the world around me, like I didn't qualify as a real person because I wasn't doing this madness of trying to balance family and work. For various reasons I had to go back to work and I assure you that it has not benefitted our family except to redress the financial deficit and if I could go back to being a SAHM tomorrow I would. You are doing something valuable and worthwhile and actually I think a lot of other folk don't do it 'cos it's just plain hard. It's not always exciting to be the childcare, cook, cleaner, general doer of what needs to be done, but hey these years with your children can never be got back. So go for it Susan, enjoy it and treasure the career choice you have made with your husband's support!

  4. Crikey, I didn't mean that last post to be so long - you clearly hit on something I feel passionate about - sorry!

  5. Hello, I know you have had great support from other followers and you are over your rant but I have only just read your blog but feel I want to add my support. I have been fortunate to share the same 'career choice ' ha ha, as you. I have raised two of the most warm, caring and loving children and now they are 23 and 18 we share a close friendship that I could only of dreamed of. I would like to think that I could of achieved this closeness even if I had worked full time however I am not sure I would of managed to juggle all those balls as some are more able to do. Children are precious and raising them properly is the most responsible job in the world and one to be very proud of.



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