Friday 25 November 2011

I Have Officially Started

A little later than most years, but I finally started my Christmas shopping. I guess the fact that I am using some of the things I made for presents took away some of the urgency but it struck me this morning - about the time that Helen squealed to Emily, 'This time next month we will be opening presents!' - that I had better pull my finger out and get on with it. So I did. No word of what I bought as someone sometimes reads this blog. I wouldn't want to give anything away.

Stocking up on groceries and searching for the first of the presents took up my morning. Actually, I tell a slight fib. I stopped at the sewing machine shop to purchase some bobbins. The man in the sewing machine shop put paid to the rumour that it is women who can talk your ear off. Very nice man but the only reason I got out of there was because John phoned looking for me, I had been missing in action for so long. I think I listened to Mr Sewing Machine Shop Repair Man's dissertation on sewing machines for about twenty minutes prior to John phoning rescuing me.

One thing Mr Sewing Shop Repair Man did tell me was that they don't sell many Bernina's any more. He said they were not as good value for money as they used to be. He said they haven't been as reliable since they started having them built in the Far East. Huh?! Swiss made, thought I. Not any more, says him. So obviously the first thing I did when I got home was to have a look at my machine. Mine is indeed made in Switzerland. Has anyone else heard of this rumour that the machines aren't as reliable as they used to be? Because I love my Bernina. I have no experience with other good machines so really can't compare. I just know I love the one I have.

It will have become quite apparent by now that I did not spend the day nose to grindstone once again. But I don't feel too bad about it because I got stuff done. And I made a fab tasting - if I say so myself - seafood chowder for our dinner.

My recipe can be found here.
 I had a few minutes to do a little more sewing after all that and I am almost there with the quilt top. Almost!

Just the corners to sew on now.
Then to decide if I want to add a little red border,
which is totally dependent on how much fabric I have because I am not buying more.
I used the architectural print in grey on neutral for the triangle edge pieces. I thought any of the stronger colours would have detracted from other overall pattern of the blocks. I hope I chose correctly.

I thought that a little red border might bring it all together. Then I could bind it in the blues and greys, and I have one of the deep red fabrics for the back. Though I will have to piece some extra into that as this quilt is definitely wider than the standard bolt of fabric. I doubt I will get much done on the weekend as there are always too many other things going on, but I can but try.



  1. Oh wow I just absolutely love your quilt top. Love the colors, the pattern, the red corner stones. It looks fab!
    Good for you Christmas shopping. I got a little fright today too, but haven't done anything about it yet. Hopefully this weekend...

  2. Lovely! That architectural print is great! And your clam chowder is making me hungry...

  3. Your quilt top is looking gorgeous! I love that architectural print you've used.
    Chowder for us tonight too, but mine doesn't look as good as yours!

  4. Your quilt is looking even better every time you show it. It would never surprise me if Bernina's are not as they used to be. It seems we live in such disposable times none of the big brands seem to be what they used to be. I've been wanting to buy a food processor for ages and then I read the reviews from all the people that are replacing 25 year old machines only to find the new models last less than 6 months. Bernina is such a big brand name people assume they're the best but maybe they aren't any more. Would be interesting to find out!

  5. I think your setting fabric looks just right and if you have enough red for a little border all well and good. Such a pretty quilt - I love on point settings. You have certainly whipped this out quickly xx

  6. The bottom/basic (bernettes) end of the range are apparently made in the Far East. Mine says it is made in Switzerland...440qe

  7. Quilt top is looking amazing! I agree with your choice of a red border - would pull it all together. Great job! Jxo

  8. Ooh, I sometimes read your blog - I wonder what it could be! Tee hee. Quilt top looking great but as I`m very very hungry and an hour off eating supper, the chowder is looking fishalicious!

  9. Your quilt is looking amazing! The architectural print was a wonderful choice! (Even if it was on the pricey side!) I would love to see it with a red strip around the border! It is lovely! And yum to the chowder!

  10. I love your quilt top. I don't about Berninas, but a man in a sewing machine shop said to me that Brothers (I don't know if this covers all models or just the bottom end of the market) are rubbish now they are made in China. Apparantly, they used to be made in Japan. He had one he'd sawn in half to demonstrate that it's 100% plastic and becomes 'bendy' with use.

  11. Great going on the quilt top - and now you've made me hungry!

  12. Oooh, that quilt it looking fab! As I'm a Brother user, I guess I signed up for the start for 'made in the far east'. Seems to work just fine anyway :oD

  13. Proper classy quilt top :-) And good job on the start of the big shop...

  14. I did some more shopping yesterday too but am nowhere near finished !

    I hear that most sewing machines are made in cheap labour countries now. The Pfaffs arent as good as they used to be either, apparently.

    I love that quilt top Susan it !

  15. It is looking amazing. I'm with you on separating the dark strips, but the red posts really bring it all together. I think your idea of the red border is spot on. It amazes me how versatile this method is I will use your tip on just fitting the bias edges together on my next one.

  16. your quilt top is looking amazing and the red will finish it off perfectly!

  17. Your quilt top looks amazing! Love it! And if you can red border it then it would make a great frame.
    When I first saw your chowder though I have to confess I grossly wondered why the HELL you were showing us a bucket of sick!
    Sorry... Just saying :P

  18. Can you give us an update on the Berninas once you've got all your results statistics and flow charts in! I am almost to buy one (after Xmas). Would hate to make a mistake!
    I just love your quilt top. Grey is a favourite foil to that cherry red.
    Dont let that little Emily grow up... My little elf in the kitchen is too cool for baking now.

  19. I love my Bernina (bought about 18 months ago) and when I bought it the man in the sewing machine shop told me that a few months previously he had been invited to the Bernina factory in Switzerland...enjoy the Christmas shopping - I started yesterday (Saturday!) by doing a big online order and I'm almost finished!


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