Sunday 6 November 2011

Bunting Galore

First of all today I would like to issue a brief apology. I have been a little non-existent on the computer lately, and when I am on I am speed reading blogs to catch up, leaving far fewer comments than usual, and not getting around to replying to emails. So I am very sorry if you are one of the people who have not had the proper attention from me. Hopefully normal service will resume after next Sunday.

Because next Sunday is this often mentioned Christmas Fair which I am in somewhat of a panic about and trying to churn out items as much as I can. Unfortunately I am not the quickest of workers at times, and then there is the day to day life stuff that tends to take up a great deal of time. Hence the panic!

Today was the day of the bunting. Fortunately for me in my quest to make things to sell I seem to have a bottomless pit of Christmas fabrics that I bought years ago (really, probably about six years ago) at ridiculously low sale prices - some as low as US$3 a yard. They have sat there ignored since then, until now. Now they are coming in useful indeed.

I cut, and I pinned, and I stitched, and I turned them the right way out. I pressed and I sewed, etc, etc, etc. Unfortunately I did a very poor job of estimating how much ribbon would be required for these buntings, so while I have the triangles to finish the remaining buntings I do not have the necessary ribbon. That's life. Won't take long to finish them once I purchase some more.

I did traditional bunting in lush colours with gold, as per a request from a friend who said if I had some at the fair she would buy some. That did it for me. Out came the gold laden fabrics.

This decrepit old fence sure comes in handy.
Gold, in all its glory, even the ribbon is gold.
The other bunting I made is more to my personal taste but I was surprised that himself came in on the side of the gold one above. He said that everyone liked a bit of glitter at Christmas. I didn't even know he liked Christmas. I thought it was something I beat into him, made him enjoy. Well, now I know the truth and he likes a bit of glitter. Hmmmmm!

I only had a half yard of each of these fabrics.
But tons of the others. Why?!
Aren't they sweet Christmas prints?!
Tonight's task will be cutting stiff fabric. Yes, Stiffy did the job. I now have numerous Moda marble jelly roll strips awaiting my attention.

Oh, and more snowflakes to dip. Things to do. Which brings us back to my apology. I will stop this manic making soon enough and then I am going to have some big long days (I hope!) of reading blogs, leaving ridiculously long comments, and emailing for hours on end. Please bear with me.



  1. Good luck with the last minute rush, glad Stiffy can help you stand up to the task... ;o)

  2. Glad you've got a good stiffy to help things along. Will I ever tire of stiffy jokes? Nope. (stiffy standing up to the task... love it Katy)
    Best of luck with the last minute rush this week, let me know if you need encouragement for the final push... Cant wait for your laptop / bloggy / email binge!!

  3. Good Luck with the frenzy of activity and the fair. I cant wait to hear all about it. I don't feel neglected at all. I know you're busy.

    LOVE bunting. I cant imagine why I haven't made any . It's on my list of things to do before I die. That probably gives me a few more years to get my act together.

  4. Don't let us stand between you and the Stiffy!

  5. I have so much fabric; so many good intentions. Alas, I think another year is going to pass before I manage to 'do' a craft fair :(

    Well done you! I love to hear how you're getting on (especially with the Stiffy).

  6. Good luck with the rest of the bunting and I'm interested to see what you're doing with stiff jelly rolls...

  7. LOVE the bunting! But a strange image came into my head when you said your hubby likes a bit of glitter!! Trying v.hard to get rid of it!! Am intrigued what you are going to do with stiff strips (hopefully nothing to do with glitter!). Jxo

  8. Uncannily, I had the same image as Judith. It was all a bit Alan Partridge. Love the bunting and don`t worry about touring round the blogs - I`m in the same position...way behind and may have to have a cull as just don`t have the time to visit everyone.

  9. I had to snigger out loud over Sarah's 'stiffy' comments, I then had to explain myself to company! Ooops! Good luch with the Fayre, see you on the other side! :)

  10. Love the bunting, I know you don't have time right now, but when you do, could you possibly share where you got the pattern for the crocheted snowflakes?

  11. I'm so with you on the feeling of panic! Two weeks till our fair and I've got 5 cushion tops (no backs yet!) and about 10 zippy pouches..and that's it..eek! Got a week of late nights coming up, will think of you burning the midnight oil too :) x

  12. your stall is going to look great susan - so many gorgeous things. a little concerned about the stiff jelly rolls - no doubt all will be revealed - and hey, everything looks a little better with a bit of sparkle!!

  13. Im so excited for the christmas stall for you!!! The red and green bunting is so cute, I would totaly buy some if I was there.... In fact, where is this fair? I could pop down :-)

  14. Am sure you are going to sell out within minutes so keep making lots - with you on the 2nd bunting! But hubby could be right with his glitter fetish!?

  15. Seriously jealous of my English twinnie now talking about popping down and all.... I would "pop down" and buy up huge amounts of your gorgeous Christmas goodies was there not rather a substantial mass of water & land in the way...

    Anyway don't apologize on our account - you go live your life woman - that's what it's there for :) :)
    And your royal fan club (aka me & the riff raff above with all their stiffy jokes) will be here where you left us when you come down off the Christmas cloud.

  16. No apologies needed. I think we all understand that stiffy stuff is much more important (How was that Sarah? did I do good?)

  17. I love that bunting Susan - I was going to do some for Jennys party but I doubt I will find the time, so it will be christmas bunting that I try. And your origami stars in your other post are brill, what a great idea!


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