Thanks to all of you for your lovely messages, and the occasional offer to fire bomb the garage that annoyed me. (Okay, I'm joking but I am sure you would join my in some midnight mayhem if I asked nicely!) Pulverising that lemon yesterday did the trick in making me look life in the face again and believe I could take whatever it threw at me. Besides, I think lemons are afraid of me now anyway.
Today I have two children in school. No phone calls yet, though I may just jinx myself saying that. Emily asked if I was going to come medicate her at lunch today, and I declined. The teacher knows how to get in touch if I am required. I noticed a big difference in Emily this morning from the previous two so I was quite optimistic when I
skipped away from the school - and that optimism seems to have been well placed.
Because even if the school calls now I have had a blissful time doing this and that. The sun is shining in through my
glistening clean windows. I saw that the spring bulbs are starting to push up in people's gardens. Before you know it I will be oooooh-ing and aaaaah-ing over little baby lambs. Yes, I know it is only January but I think the spring bulbs appearing has made me slightly light headed!
Lots to tell you so had best get on with it. I spent a great deal of time last night stalking my partners for the two swaps I am in - For The Love of Solids (FTLOS) and Mouthy Stitches. Thankfully I have very vocal partners who are commenting all over the place (woohoo!!) and I came up with some ideas this morning which I posted on Flickr.
And I am getting good feedback already. Not saying if that feedback is from my partners, but nice things are being said and that always makes a person smile.
Here's what I came up with -
My idea is to make HSTs in bright colours and then cut them into the outer portions of the Drunkard's Path block.
The inner circle will be neutral. I am leaning towards shads of cream/beige but put the darker colours
in the equation as my partner seemed to be drawn to them. I will see if I get feedback from her. |
Mouthy Stitches
Pouch about 9" square.
Scrappy oranges up top and aquas on the bottom,
with a strip of linen running on the diagonal between.
Perle stitching on the diagonal strip. |
It was good to check those two things off my list of things to do. Now I sit and wait to see what my partners think. I have fabric ordered that will be required for both of these so cannot get making on them yet. Oh, and zips ordered too!
Speaking of fabric orders today. I think I am losing the plot. I got this from M is for Make today.
Now don't get me wrong here. I love this piece of fabric.
Love! But I do not for the life of me remember ordering it. There was one of M is for Makes little notes inside saying 'Thank you for your order'. I am thrilled to have it but suppose I had better go and see if I paid for it!
I got more happy post too. This time all the way from Cindy in Texas, who can be found
here. She was really lovely and emailed me two bird fabrics for my quilt and they are massive bits. Also unique to me. I so cannot believe that there are so many different bird fabrics out there!
Eeeeek! Look at those love birds! Sweet!!!! |
Meanwhile I have been fitting in a little more of this -
And more of these -
But I'm only giving you a sneaky peek, because I am headed into another busy weekend involving sleepovers, a trip to the cinema, pizzas and probably a lot of junk food. Someone in this house is turning older. Thank goodness it isn't me! So if I get too busy to accomplish anything on my projects I can fall back on the things I held back today for my
weekend blog posts.