Monday 23 January 2012

The Best Laid Plans...

... seldom go to plan around here. I had full intentions of being attached to my sewing machine all day today.

That was before the girls were ready for school. Before we were in the car. And before the car wouldn't start. Arrrggghhhh!! Deep breaths - long, deep, cleansing breaths! I then had a dilemna. We live about four miles from the school. A friend came over to drive the girls there but I ended up keeping Emily home because without a car I couldn't pick her up if and when her back started bothering her. She gets very uncomfortable in certain positions and sitting in the same position for an extended period is one of the problems. I couldn't risk sending her to school. And then not being able to go and get her if it all got too much.

I found a garage that was willing and able to send someone over to jump start the car and take it back to the garage. It is there now. I await the phone call to say it is fixed. Because I need to go get Helen. She might be having a recurrance of her recent illness. I don't know because she is there and I am here, but the school say the symptoms are similar.

I feel rather helpless right now. We are not in an area with an efficient transport system, nor is there a local taxi service. I need my car. Now!

Meanwhile, I have tried to get on with a few things. I had planned on giong into town today and one of the things I was going to get were blank note cards I could put into some packages I have to send. Without the means to go purchase these I used the available resources. Emily, paper and Emily's new pens.

Job done!

While Emily sat and did that, I cut fabric and gathered the necessary bits for each envelope I was sending. I now am ready for a trip to the Post Office. When I have a car to get me there.

So that is me. Sitting and waiting for a phone call. And a walk to the garage. Then a rescue of Helen. And maybe a visit to the doctor - for both of them.

Life is an unpredictable thing. I am glad that if this was going to happen that it happened this week when I am no longer in a self indulgent funk. Mind you, maybe this would have snapped me out of it because when there is no time for a funk then you skip the whole thing. And at least I have acheived something today. Now I have a request to go play Scrabble. The worry is that without spell check Emily will spell better than I do!



  1. Oh goodness! Its not shaping out to be a very good week for you is it? I hope the girls, and the car, feel better soon lovely xxx

  2. Well, clearly Emily is brilliant at card making so it is nice she was on hand to handle the job! I hope you get sorted soon and that Helen is not relapsing.

  3. Oh I hate being without a car and we live in a city! Our car`s alternator went last week and it was fixed pretty quickly but all the same! Hope it`s fixed today and you are reunited, and that the girls are on the road to recovery soon. x

  4. Reading this post I can hear the song in my head...'I don't like Mondays'!
    Sorry for your problems, so early in the week too!
    Hope the girls are o.k.

    I really miss having a car....2.5 miles to the nearest village with just about everything in it, Post office,library, 2 co-op shops,Medical centre and pub should I need one!
    Nearest bus stop to City is 1.5 miles with 2 buses an hour, nearest bus stop to nearest town is .75 miles.

    I do hope all your problems are solved soon!

    Sandie xx

  5. Oh dear what a time of it you're having. It's great living in the country but doing it easily without transportation is a nightmare. I live 2 miles from a supermarket and a mile from a shop/post office/pub/bank. For many years when I didn't have a car I'd walk to the next village where I could also get a bus into Oxford. The problems is when you're not well or have heavy or bulky shopping. Hope both girls are fighting fit asap! x

  6. Sorry your week hasn't started out well - I hope it gets better, quickly! Hope the girls (and the car) recover quickly - take care x P.S. Love Emily's cards!

  7. Oh poor you! Hope the car is now fixed (and not too costly)and both girls are feeling better. I had unplanned company today too, due to gungy conjunctivitis - yuck!

  8. Feel for you Susan - our town is 4 miles away and the kids are a 20 minute drive down the dual carriageway at top speed!

    Hope the kids are feeling better and the car!

  9. sounds like a bad start to the week! Hope the car is sorted and both girls are fighting fit!

  10. POO! Hope things are a whole lot better tomorrow :-)

  11. OMG! When will it all end Susan! I think it's time you all had a care package!

  12. Fingers crossed that it gets better from here! And I hope the girls are okay too!

  13. Heh, way to utilise the child labour there ;o)

    Hope the car isn't too expensive to fix, mine needs to go in next week to have a loud noise looked at...

  14. Oh lord, what a day! I hear you on the car, I have a set of jump leads I do not leave the house without. In fact, I rang AA so many times one year they told me they would only do one more callout until my renewal date (3 months away). Luckily, I can get to the school and local shop if necessary walking but nowhere else. Hope the girls are ok (and you) xx

  15. What a rotten start to the week!
    Hope the car's fixed and both girls are feeling better. How nice of Emily to help you get your packages sorted :)

  16. oh honey, there will be better days. xx

  17. Well, you've had your three bits of bad luck this week, so roll on the good luck I say :) x

  18. I know how you feel about the car, I live miles from anywhere so if I didn't have a car I'd be stuck here permanently. Good luck with it.
    I hope the girls are both ok.
    Good on you for utilising child labour when it was at hand, good thinking!

  19. Oh your poor wee lambs! I hope they both bounce back quickly and you can have some normality back again. These are the times when it's great being a SAHM. You've reminded me I need to get some generic cards too! Thanks Jxo

  20. Hope both girls are ok and the car gets mended quickly. I hate being without my car but live in an area with a lot of public transport, so it is me being lazy ;)

  21. hope you are all ok and back to normal and the car was not needing much doing to it !!!


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