Friday 20 January 2012

Favourite Thing Friday

This week has been an interesting one in that I have been on a bit of a downer missing some close friends, none of who live an easily accessible distance from here. Some are further away than others. I tick along merrily most days getting on with what needs getting on with, but there are occasional slumps - we all have them (I think). On the other hand one of the best friends a person can have in the world will be here visiting from Canada in less than a month. That's something to look forward to.

And then there are you guys. All of you are my Favourite Thing Friday, because of your kindness, lovely comments, humour and generosity. You brighten my days and widen my world. Can you believe that I got two more packages in the post today?! From the lovely Ceri - one of the fabulous Brit Bee girls who blogs over at Inspired By Felix and makes the most beautiful things that she sells (Yes! Sells successfully.) I got some more bird fabric. What is amazing is how little duplication there is in the wonderful donations I have received for my Birdies quilt.

I love that bird in the upper right hand corner!

The other package was from another of my friends made when I joined Brit Bee - the wonderful Sarah who can be found at Narcoleptic in a Cupboard. Sarah is having a QAL very soon and I am doing it. It is called Stained Pink - though my quilt will not be either stained nor pink - I will be using her pattern. I got two donations from Sarah and her mum (that just makes me smile even more) for the bird quilt.

All those empty bird cages that have been escaped from. Perfect.
And the colours in the purple fabric are so cool!

And a donation to my HR quilt too.

(What more can I say?!)
You'll just have to imagine the stupid grin on my face.

A huge thank you to Ceri, Sarah and Sarah's mum. You guys are the best and I hope you'll let me know when you have a specific theme for a quilt that you could use some help with.

I have been blogging for just short of a year and I can't imagine how I got by without all of you before. It was a lonely sewing existence. The support received is nothing short of amazing, and I hope I manage to give some of that back. In an effort to spread the love (so to speak) I made something to pop in the post for someone else today.

A little needle book.
Which would have had more perle stitching in lime,
if I hadn't run out of that colour of thread.
Simple, but colourful and fun.
This will be popped into the post. I would like to say today but it looks like I have left it too late as the school run needs doing. But I hope it makes the recipient smile the way the kindness of so many has made me smile.

Thank you for being my Favourite Thing Friday. You've made my week a much cheerier one by stopping by here. As usual with FTF, I will be linking this up with Shay over at Quilting in My Pyjamas and will be having a look at what is making other people happy this Friday.

And for you Mouthy Stitchers out there - I have spent a good part of my day doing partner allocations. Oh, it is going to be so much fun! Hope you are ready to receive your partner this weekend. Because it is coming whether you are ready or not!



  1. I totally here you on the missing people (and for me places) thing! Some days are definitely worse than others but then something lovely happens and we get through it.

    What amazing people there are out there and I love your birdy fabrics. I`m sure I have something. I must look though it may not compare to what you have.

    I`m very proud to say that we have been blogging buddies along the way. I still remember your first email and I think the first post of yours where you were off for a walk to the village pub! How little has changed.

    You deserve all the bloggy love you get and give it back in spade fulls. That needle book is exquisite and wherever it`s headed, it will put a smile on a face!

  2. Oh Lordy, `hear`, not `here`. Goodness, what`s happening to me?

  3. What great additions to your quilts! I can't wait to see them!
    And yes! I'm ready for a partner! Yay!

  4. It is good to be with virtual friends when the ones IRL are absent! And have to thank you for being mine Susan! Everyone you know will be happy to receive you little gift - very cute and so useful!

    You have me quaking in my boots - a bit like hide and seek - excitement, nervousness, excitement, ner....

  5. I agree about internet friends, it is really rather amazing to have friends all over the world. I hope you have a wonderful with you real life friend too. And thank you for the work on the swap, it will be a lot of fun.

  6. I agree about bloggy friends, they're some of the nicest, kindest people you could ever wish to meet (and you're definitely one of many street angels I've met in the months I've been blogging), it's just a pity they're (mainly!) so far away! Thank goodness for the internet and Royal Mail! The needle case is wonderful, the lucky recipient is going to be thrilled with it! Love the new fabric, I'm ridiculously excited about 'one for the birds'! Hope this comment makes sense, if it doesn't please accept my apologies and delete/ignore it!!

  7. Awww I know what you mean about missing your friends too. At least the pals that live in your computer can make you smile though :) your postie might be bringing you another wee package tomorrow ;) x

  8. Aw sweetie, so sorry you're missing your special people. You are very special to me, so I'm sending you a great big Irish hug! Thank you for being an amazing Mouthy Stitches Mama, can't wait to get my partner! Jxo

  9. I was just reading this morning how us ladies are hard-wired for real relationships esp with close female friends. Virtual friends can be very genuine but nothing can really ever compare with real life friends and that's why we miss them so much. Sorry you've been feeling a bit low this week. I'll bet your friends miss you very much too! Hope you have loads of laughs with your friend from Canada when they visit soon.

    If virtual relationships were equal to the real life kind I could be a skype/blogging mum and wife with no cooking and cleaning or laundry to do. Sounds nice but I'd miss the hugs and cuddles terribly!

  10. we all have slump days, or even weeks. It's what makes those blog inside jokes, the swap packages and shared quilty moments al the more special ;)

    such a sweet needlebook! i am sure that it's owner's day be bright when they get it :)

  11. It seems we are going along fine and then the LONLEY feeling comes out of left field and HITS us!! Just take a day at a time, virtuall HUG on the way xx
    A BIG HUGE thank you for sorting out all the mouthy stitchers "stuff" xx

  12. Know exactly how you feel sweetie. So glad I was able to put a grin on your face when you've done the same for me many a time! Massive hug x

  13. I think we are all bursting at the seams for partner allocations! I think we may have started blogging at a similar time, I am coming up for my one year blog anniversay-unbelievable! And have encountered so many lovely people along the way (including your good self). Am looking forward to June when we can finally put faces to the virtual people!!

  14. Awww thanks for the bloggy thanks :) Glad you like the package, and that HR riding fabric from Miss Sarah is uber duber cute too! I'd be too scared to cut into it at all! x

  15. This is a super pretty post! Lovely fabric, adorable needle book. Yum!

  16. I am sorry you're missing your special friends. You're so right about bloggy friendship though. I think this time of year makes us all a bit prone to feeling blurgh.

  17. I just want to point out that people are generous with you because you are generous and funny and wonderful too. Like attracts like my friend.

    Love those fabrics you’ve been gifted. The birdie quilt is going to be one awesome piece of art!

    I’ve been terrible lately about my blog and real life friends. Im missing the time I spend with those people. Hoping to rectify that today by spending some time at my Farmers Wife Quilalong with some awesome people !

    Enjoy your weekend Susan.

  18. Lovely, lovely fabric pics! Gorgeous needlebook too for a lucky person :)
    What a nice post, but oh, I'm sitting here with tears rolling down my face, missing people and reading all the sweet comments here!

  19. Oooh lovely - hope you (and I) have a cheerier (?) week next week - getting those Partners out and releasing the havoc!

  20. Sorry to read about your downer. Not long to go... not long to go... not long to go.... not long to go....
    And then, after that visit from your friend it will be June before we know it :D

    Lovely lovely parcels!!

  21. Sorry about how you've been feeling .. I totally understand. Nice FTF!

  22. Aww, online friends can be the bestest, because they're there 24/7, but sometimes you just need a real live someone. Hope you have a fab time with your friend when she comes :o)

  23. Awe Sweetie, sending you big hugs, from one slumpy mummy to another :) Miss my best freind every day x

  24. I do understand missing your good friends..and that can be a stinker. Sounds like you have a lot to be grateful for too, so that's pretty darn awesome! And I LOVE your needlebook! It's so adorable!

  25. Blog land is the best.

    Love the needle case.

  26. Just in case you haven't seen it, I came across the forthcoming line from Cloud 9 at and thought of your Birdies quilt.

  27. Hey fellow Canadian...if you are ever feeling homesick...just give me a call. At least when we get together we can say eh and we will understand each other!

  28. Blog friends are totally the best to have :) love the birdy material It will certainly be a beautiful quilt

  29. Sometimes I get very sad that I can't hug my bloggy friends. You guys all get me! My friends that I can hug don't understand the whole sewing obsession! Susan, I'm glad you are my friend and some day, I hope to hug you in person, but I'm sending you a virtual hug right now!


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