Friday 6 January 2012

Favourite Thing Friday Returns

Today I did no hand sewing whilst keeping a child company. I did do grocery shopping. (She stayed home with her dad, I did not drag her around with me.) I did do laundry. And I did make a venison stew. I did not pick up a needle. No, instead I took said child back to the doctor, he trebled her medication and then we went on an entertaining (not!) hunt for a pharmacy that stocked said medication.

Three pharmacies later, and a wait for them to fill the prescription said child had a new coat. So something good did come out of that excursion.

Despite the second photo...
... she loves this coat.

To earn her keep, and the new coat, I made her stand outside and hold up the pieced Terrain HSTs. I still need to add several borders, but I was ever so pleased when I showed himself and he asked, 'What are you going to do with this one?' My heart sank as I thought I was going to get a lecture about another quilt without a home, but I was wrong! No, he suggested that we hang this one up! I was gobsmacked, flabbergasted and generally all round pleased. Miracles do not cease!

You would think that this would be my Favourite Thing Friday, but it isn't. I had to open a bottle of red wine when I was cooking earlier. The remains of that bottle are going to be my FTF because I am tired, fed up, am hoping Helen starts getting better and generally do not want to play this game any more. So I am tossing my dummy from the pram and replacing it with a glass of wine! Shay would most definitely approve.



  1. Och look at that poor wee child's pasty face - bless her. Hope the meds kick in extra soon and she feels well shortly.

  2. You made a sick child stand outside and hold your quilt? Susan!
    Hee hee! The coat is really cute and she looks just adorable in it. Congrats for knocking hubby's socks off. What a great compliment!

  3. Now where did I put the number for the NSPCC...ah here it is! Poor Helen dragged from her sick bed...LOL

  4. Love Helen's coat! You've been ace with her so far. Hopefully the meds will work a miracle too! LOVE your quilt top! Jxo

  5. Oops forgot to say how much I love that HST wall art! Fabuloso!

  6. Cheers Honey! Enjoy that red wine, you deserve it! :) Glad you got more meds for Helen, hopefully she'll be ready to go back to school for Monday and a little normality can resume. Beautiful coat! Stunning HST top :) Happy Weekend Supermum! x

  7. I hope triple prescription kicks in over the weekend!
    Love, love love your quilt, it should definitely be on display.
    p.s have a glass for me!

  8. I have already removed a cork from a bottle of red. Triple medication! She's obviously not improved then?

  9. Och, my mother was always a great fan of child labour, something about there being 'no point in having a dog and barking yourself' I seem to recall... Still, the new gear seems to have perked her up a bit anyway!

    Now enjoy your wine, and hey, why not have a dig around for a bit of Christmas choccie as well, you'll perk up too :oD

  10. Poor child, having to stand out in the cold whilst on her death bed! I love the HST quilt though.

  11. Love that quilt top and hope Helen is feeling well enough to wear her new coat somewhere good - not just in the garden while you make her hold up the quilt top :-)

  12. Oh hunny; so sorry to hear Helen is still not a happy camper and that it's making you fed up! I'd love to share a glass of wine when I COME IN JUNE (yeah able to say with conviction now Hehe). How come John is home already though? Please don't tell me he's sick too. Oh dear I hope not! Love the terrain quilt though.

  13. PS thanks to early night I've just had my first 8 hour sleep in as long as I can remember. Only trouble now is that it's 4am and i can't get back to sleep LOL

  14. hubby done good... its gorgeous! Love Helens new coat, hope she's in bed by now, fully dosed and sleeping soundly!

  15. hubby done good... its gorgeous! Love Helens new coat, hope she's in bed by now, fully dosed and sleeping soundly!

  16. Oh, pharmacy hunts are such fun! I particularly like it when I'm asked "Do you want it today? Only we could probably get it for tomorrow or the day after."
    Helen looks lovely in her new coat. I hope the meds make her feel much better quickly!
    I didn't manage a venison stew, but I'll join you with a glass of ftf red :)
    btw, when on earth did you manage to piece your terrain masterpiece?!!

  17. Oh, she looks so pale! Her new coat is gorgeous though and just the thing to cheer up a sick girl! Glad you've got some more medication for her (eventually!) and I hope it starts to make a difference very soon x

  18. Have you tried the lamb shanks from Lorraine Pascal's 2nd book? The are cooked in rioja and balsamic vinegar and they are easy and delicious! Hope your stew was delicious, I'd love to come and eat at your place Susan!

  19. Quilt looks fab, hope your girl feels better soon. Am having a glass myself at the moment, enjoy!

  20. I heartily approve. Since I engage in dummy spits , am often fed up , and like wine how could I not think this is one of the coolest FTF's I have ever seen.

    By the way , that coat is very pretty!

    And I can totally identify with you being fed up. And I'm not ignoring you ...Ive been up to my eyeballs in Little P for the last three days which leaves no time for anything else. (and hurts my brain )

  21. Shay is not the only one who approves.
    Glad you finally found a pharmacy that stocked the medication, although having to go to 3 was not good at all. I hope the new medication helps Helen.
    Love Helen's new coat, and wow hubby suggesting you hang the quilt, I'd drink to that!

  22. Thought you were going to say H had to hold a cup out to strangers to get a few pennies towards the coat!

    Suspect you have dozed off by now!

  23. Oh yes...a glass, bottle, case, truck load...of wine....that a pretty darn nice Favourite Things Friday in my book! :o)

  24. Helen looks remarkably chipper! Not lolling around on the sofa then - on no that's you isn't it?? After all that wine! hehe! Hope all is back to normal soonest!

  25. i do hope the new meds knock her woes on the head - and a glass of red is the perfect antidote for you too!

  26. Cheers! A good dummy spit does wonders for the soul! And the red does wonders for the heart, they say!

  27. Love those HSTs they work so nice with the navy

  28. Awww...tough day! You deserve that wine and I hope you enjoyed every last drop of it.

    The quilt and coat are both lovely :)

  29. Hope Helen feels better soon.

    Hope the red wine made you feel better too!

  30. That's great that you didn't let the extra wine go to waste -- waste not want not they say.

  31. Good call, hubby! That quilt top is totally gorgeously gorgeous! Hope Helen is on the mend, and yay for wine ;) x

  32. Your man is finally getting the thing about quilting! Well for getting him trained up. I hope Helen starts to improve soon.

  33. Sorry to hear Helen is sick and hope the meds kick in soon. Love the new coat (Zaki got a new coat yesterday as well) and the quilt is adorable. x

  34. I sure hope Helen is feeling better soon. Please keep me updated!!!

  35. I hope Helen feels better soon because she needs to be out and about in that great coat! I love that little quilt, it will look stunning on your wall.

  36. Cute post, lovely quilt and I hope Helen is feeling better soon. She is a darling girl and looks adorable in that new coat.

  37. I love your quilt! The colors are gorgeous! What fabrics did you use, if you don't mind me asking.

  38. Fantastic dummy spit. LOL! Great quilt and coat. Get well soon Helen.


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