Friday 11 March 2011

Completed Projects

There have been two projects finished in this house in the past twenty-four hours, but neither of them were mine. I have proven to be incredibly useful at the finishing touches like hand sewing the binding though. Nice to know I am still needed - because everything else Helen and Emily are managing very efficiently on their own. Fabric choice, quilt design, rotary cutting, piecing, quilting - yup, they can do it all.

I have a terrible feeling that one day we are going to need a house with two sewing rooms, not one. But, I shall make this clear, me first. I get a sewing room first. If it is big enough then I will share, but I may have to get them a sewing machine of their own!

I did get to the quilt shop yesterday and stocked up on more of those little bendy quilting safety pins (that cost an absolute fortune!) so I can go ahead and layer my Sherbet Pips quilt, pin the layers together and then decide how I am going to quilt it. Bring on next week.

I suppose you might be wondering what the projects by the girls looked like. Here is Helen's quilt front -

- and the back.

Emily's -

I think they did an fantastic job but who on earth told them that it was a good idea to pose for photos on moving swings?!

Not me, that's for sure. This amateur photographer absolves herself of any blame for the quality of the photos today!

My father is here for a visit with us right now so I have less then normal time on my hands. Not complaining, just stating the facts. I hope to finish the crocheted baby blanket tonight, get the quilt pinned and ready for sewing some time on the weekend, and then look at what project to start next.

I am going to go try a new recipe for ginger cake this afternoon and I'll let you know what it was like. Venison stew for dinner tonight is now slow cooking in the oven. My world is in order. Yeeha!


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