Friday 12 September 2014


It would be silly to do things the easy way when I can make them more complicated, or so it seems. I finished the inner part of my epp rainbow and then decided to change it up a bit as I made it bigger.

I decided to fragment/shatter/mess about with the lozenges and give a broken look to it. To say I am having second thoughts whilst doing this is an understatement, but then I have second thought with just about every project I ever work on so what's new? I am hoping this 'effect' I am giving it will have a bit more continuity when I have completed it right around the whole of the mini. I'm going to be super annoyed with myself if it doesn't because doing it like this takes about five times longer than just adding whole lozenges.

Meanwhile, we went apple picking at my friend's house yesterday. I have two large bags of apples to turn into pies for the freezer this weekend.

Then I might go back and pick some more. Not that I actually picked any of these. I sat on the terrace and sipped a rather wonderful French red wine while my girls, and their girl, did all the hard graft. Somehow I think I should feel vaguely guilty, but I don't. Not one little bit.



  1. Mmmm, you've put me in mind of apple crumble! Yum! jxo

  2. you could always piece the two fabric bits together on the machine then sew them as one lozenge :-D

  3. I'm going to Jude's house for crumble or your house for pie. Or possibly both...

  4. Your mini is stunning, makes me want to start an EPP project. And I wholly approve of your kind of apple picking.

  5. I love the new look but it will looks stunning anyway! What about some apple jam?

  6. Good luck . I made grape jelly but it has changed into grape sticky toffee somehow

  7. Loved the original layout and I like this too. How big is it going to be ?

  8. Mmmm I made apple crumble last night. Got to be a favourite autumn comfort dessert, but we discovered that you shouldn't drink white wine with it. Makes the wine taste truly terrible. Back to drinking just the wine then!!
    My wee OCD orderly brain isn't coping with part of shattered

  9. Sorry iPad froze mid comment. Going to say my brain isn't coping with the partial view of fragmentation, but I do think it is really creative and will look good when you finish it all around. Despite your second thoughts I think you will love yourself for being so clever in the end. Your partner will have a masterpiece.

  10. Very cool Susan! We had a couple of crumbles while home but can't get Zaki to eat it. He is however the only child who doesn't like pasta!

  11. Oh! I thought for a minute that you were just replacing colors of lozenges for neutrals. But when I looked closely they are fractured or faceted. That's cool!! It looks great

  12. I love how that quilt is coming together. I should also make a pie or two later today, we shall see.

  13. You're an EPP master - if your gut says change, CHANGE.

  14. I love the shattered idea... Can't wait to see how it turns out all the way around!

  15. Hahah about the wine. I keep going down our drive and past our orchard, trying not to let all the burdened trees taunt me! If only I had more time....


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