Wednesday 5 September 2012

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

I love my kids, a lot. That doesn't mean I would deny them a good education just to spend more time with them. So I bundled them off to school today...

... and tried not to grin like a loon when I kissed them good bye.

I suppose that I am going to have to eat this chocolate bar all by myself then. In this quiet, quiet house.




  1. so envious! Our school had no water so first day was cancelled. *cries*

  2. woooooohoooo! (sorry kids!)

  3. Enjoy the peace and quiet! And the chocolate bar! (we call that an Aero bar, downunder!)

  4. Inset day - and that is all I have got to say about that! Mrs Cup of Tea and chocolate.
    *tries to disguise her jealousy*

  5. I'll step up and volunteer to help you out with that chocolate if you're struggling...

    I hope you enjoy your five/six hours of peace!!

  6. Oh yes, their education is very important for your sanity ;o)

  7. Oh you are teasing us with that chocolate, got any left ;) Have a lovely peaceful day.

  8. lol!! that chocolate looks awesome and hope you are enjoying the peace and quiet as you say you can't deny them their education! xxxx

  9. As I forgot to eat my chocolate on the first school day this year I think I have to get one and do it ... tomorrow! now it is to late and I have to pick up one girl! You know: the stubborn one ;)

  10. Mwahhhah chocolate! I got a bar today in the post with my bqs but unfortunately I have a crocodile tear-ed 2 year old fighting me for it...letting her unwrap my parcel was not such a good idea!

  11. What a great way to start the day, all that chocolate and a cuppa, yum!

  12. Sweeeeeeeeeeet! Hope they have a great day and come home with lots of fun stories.

  13. Sounds like a nearly perfect day!

  14. Ok, by now you will have had your first day to yourself in a while, homework should be finished and dinner on the I dreaming?
    The girls look happy to be going back to school, too.

  15. Ah heaven! And I know exactly how you you just need them to come home with so much homework that they sit quietly in their rooms all evening getting on with it and speak nicely to each other and to you at all times and then it might even be paradise!!

  16. Isn't silence lovely!? I had the last Cornetto that had been saved in the freezer!

    Hope all was good for the girls x

  17. Hope the girls had a great day back at school and you enjoyed your peaceful day to yourself.

  18. So jealous, I didn't get a cup of tea until 6pm! ;-)
    Hope you had a relaxing day after the busy holidays.

  19. I hope they had a good day back, while you sat at home all lonely and quiet!!!

  20. I used to love having my kids home for the summer break but I loved just as much them going back to school in September!

  21. Oh the sacrifices we have to make for our kids to grow up as well rounded people. lol.

  22. How did you hide that chocolate bar!

  23. Look at their happy little faces - I can only imagine how happy yours looked waving them off ;)

  24. missed u lately glad the girls love school

  25. Are you still doing the happy dance? And is there any of that chocolate left?

  26. Ah what bliss! Hope the first day brought lots of smiles to everyone! Jxo

  27. Love this - not that I feel the same way or anything!!!

  28. I want chocolate too. I was up at 1 am with a math emergency, had to reteach grade 9 algebra in an hour or so. Was very tired this morning.

  29. Nothing like a quiet house! My babies are still at home, but one day I dream of going to the toilet alone. Only 2.5 years to go!

  30. I hope they had a good first day back, and I hope you enjoyed the chocolate!

  31. Lol, long may peaceful days with tea and chocolate continue! Only 7 days and counting until my daughter starts pre-school!! (Oh yes, I do have my little 7 month old to look after too, but surely he will allow me a little daytime sewing time???!)

  32. lol..I think this is a common theme on blogs the world over! As I said On Hadders blog just now..I don't want to wish my life away...but this school idea does sound good! x

  33. They look pretty happy too but perhaps it was the promise of some chocolate when they got home. Sigh. It was like taking candy from a baby. Hope you have enjoyed the peace!

  34. Would be saying the same if I didn't have a new baby! The puppy!

  35. Oh my I am so glad you decided to take care of you. Oprah is always telling us to & I for one think it's time we listened!!
    My son's school days are long gone but with the language students we are hosting I feel like I am right back there again.
    Today was great, one was up early & off for the day (made her own breakfast, YES! *punches the air*) the other likes to sleep in & only has coffee for breakfast.
    What did I do? off to the park with my wee doggy, back for a bit of fabric shopping therapy THEN I did the ironing. It's all about priorities. LOL
    Maybe a little fabric therapy later then out for more Paralympics.
    Have a great weekend. L x


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