Wednesday 14 December 2011

I Can't Tell You

I can't tell you most of what I have been working on today. Because it might give away what I have made as my secret Santa gift, well some of it at least. So today's makes are a very abbreviated version.

I managed a zippy pouch for a good friend. Using some of the fabric leftover from making the tote bag yesterday. I didn't line the pouch, or use any wadding because the fabric was home decor weight and I thought that was enough.

Careful positioning of my camera strap there!
View of the lining.
I am pleased with this pouch, the main reason being that I didn't have to look at a tutorial once to remind myself how to do it. I just got on with it. I have to find a new fear now that the zipper one has been firmly stomped on. What shall it be? Paper piecing? Making bags? There has to be a good one I can latch on to.

One other task that I worked on today that I can give you a glimpse of is the quilt for the other daughter. I pieced a very simple back and then got down on my knees and basted it. I have no fear of basting. I just hate it. I can't put it more simple than that. There wasn't enough floor space for doing this and I made a crap job of it. I think it will need some adjusting of the pins now that I have cut away the excess wadding and fabric. I know everyone says spray baste but I still wouldn't have had the floor space inside and outside it was blowing up a frigid gale. So I had just better suck up my hatred of those pins and have another go at getting it right tomorrow.

This is a very subtle quilt, shall we say. I let the girls choose the fabric and help design these quilts a few years ago. Maybe I shouldn't have because there is a lot of white in this one. A lot! I started it four years ago. Time it was finished. I am planning to relieve the relentlessness of the white with as much perle cotton stitching as is necessary. I don't think it will be finished for Christmas, but at least I can show that I have put in lots of effort for the first time in a long time. I think she would like that.

We have the Christmas Carol church service for the school tonight. Nothing against the actual event but it is freezing out and the church is going to be unbearable. Is it wrong to say that I am absolutely dreading it?! But we have to go because Helen has a reading. If you don't hear from me for a day or two, please drop by the church with an ice pick and chisel me free.



  1. I love your zippy pouch. Shame you don't have my address :(

  2. Maybe you should take your quilting project with you to stay warm.

  3. You are so funny!! The pouch is great :) Hope you don't freeze!

  4. You are doing so well with all those makes. Can't believe what a sewing "machine" you are!

  5. Like your zippy pouch...I bet it will be well used!

  6. Love your post - you may be freezing in the church but the warmth of your humour is keeping me cosy! Take your quilt with you!

    Love your zippy pouch and likewise feel I have conquered that particular make - with you on the paper piecing and the basting! Would be better fun with a friend to chat to! Do you Skype!?

  7. Yay for conquering zips! Whilst I continue trying why dont you take on my next one for me... PIPING... lol
    keep telling you, concealed hot water bottle... (or alcohol...)

  8. Love the fabric on that pouch. How do you feel about Y-seams? Maybe you could develop as healthy a fear of them as I have ;o)

    Good luck with the basting, and hope you've layered up your thermals for the church!

  9. Your pouch is adorable. Now that you’ve conquered zips Im sure you could do just about anything. Maybe you could turn your attention to world peace instead of paper piecing?

    Im not a fan of basting either but lately I have been spray basting smaller projects and Im finding I really like it. Of course it isn’t -5 degrees here either so I can do it outside.

    Why are churches always cold? Is it some dastardly plot to keep people awake?

  10. Your zippy pouch is great! Fo on, give paper piecing a go! If you get into difficulty, I'll pop over and give you a hand! That's if you have been defrosted!!

  11. Love the Hometown purse! I sussed the no-looking at tutes last night too - I feel like a real stitchery b*tch now!

    Nice big quilt over your knees in church is what you need - remind me that next Tuesday when we're off to a scouting extravaganza!

  12. Gorgeous pouch - I have to order some from Zippit and get on the pouch bandwagon just as everyone will be moving onto something else. Good luck at the church!

  13. love your pouch, the colours are great too. Try paper piecing: it can be time consuming, getting up and down from the sewing machine, but I think the results are more than worth it!

  14. Love the purse, such a great choice of fabrics! I hope someone remembered to turn on the heating in the church - you're probably dreading it as much as the teachers and the organist!! A cushion, alcohol, a quilt and some hand warmers are advised!

  15. My teeth are chattering just thinking about it! Love the zippy! And if you've enough floor space to pin baste, then you've enough space to spray baste! I spray mine on my dining room table! Jxo

  16. surely it won't be too rude to take a quilt to wrap around your knees? - and i just read helen's post - i concur!

    love the pouch too

  17. Love that pouch, its fab! And I have to say I like the subtle colours in the quilt. Nothing worse than basting a quilt and having to do it again (I know, as you know!) you have my sympathy :-)

  18. Your ordeal should be over now, hope you have thawed out!
    I hate basting too.

  19. Cute pouch! And perfect zip ends! The home dec hometown is glorious isnt it? I love how its a slightly bigger print too :o)

    Sometimes I take a hot water bottle to work to put my feet on. Try it next time... its worth the funny looks!

  20. What amazing fabric in that pouch - the script fabric is so funky and the lining is so cute. I hope I don't see any of that SW Hometown anywhere locally or my poor purse will find it hard to fight me off opening! Hope you survived the cold church service!


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