Saturday 17 December 2011

Happiness is...

... a girl and a pony. I had two very happy girls today! My friend invited them over to spend some time with the horses and to have a riding lesson. Does life get any better than that?

I'll let their faces tell the story.

Glowingly happy!
Yup, her too!
First up.
Getting that rhythm.
Trying to pretend she wasn't pissed off her sister went first.
Kitted out and ready to go.
Small issue with the fit of the riding hat!
It is most definitely love.
The pony is Murphy and he is brilliant.
So we have established the definition of happiness. The polar opposite would be the mother who was informed that another delivery had arrived, we had miscalculated and there was more for one child than the other. Someone had to go to town this afternoon and trawl the shops looking for inspiration. It took a while. It wasn't fun!

But I did do it. If another delivery arrives that we have forgotten about I am going to cry. Or hide it until a birthday rolls round!



  1. It looks like the girls had a blast. I would have had a wet crotch as I am terrified of horses. You can tell them they are much braver than their nice Auntie!

  2. Obviously I am wondering how deep the puddles were to need life jackets!! Gone are those hatless and carefree days I remember!

    Argh the present balance - we are having a bit of a 3-way trauma!

  3. So funny! Hubbie & I got the 3 piles stacked and measured last night too! There would be mutiny without fairness in our house (I think I'm rearing future barristers!) Looks like the girls had a wonderful day! Get your pink wine out and watch the Strictly Final and forget all about presents! Jxo

  4. Hey there's a whole week to go yet! I am still not ready so you smug guys can chill and enjoy!

    My big girl was riding too on a huge horse! But he is a real gentleman!

  5. What Nicky said about the smugness lol

    Glad your two had fun with the pony though (although I was also wondering about the lifejacket...)

  6. Loving the pictures and all the life jacket comments. Kind of funny because I was going to say I'm pleased they were wearing a body protector 'just in case'.

  7. Glad the girls had a great time! If you get everything sorted now with a week to go, what are you going to do?!

  8. Lovely pics of the girls having fun! Would have liked to see some pics of you enjoying your shopping ;)

  9. Ugh..Im done with shopping and wouldn't go near the shops for all the tea in China at the moment. Im even contemplating how soon I can buy my perishables without them going off because I so do not want to be having to do grocery shopping next Saturday!

    The girls look radiantly happy. I had a horse as a child and it was the most amazing experience.

  10. I thought they looked like they were going into a war zone! But they did have a good time by the looks of it. You'll be getting them a pony each next Christmas!

  11. looks like they had a fabulous time! I have very unfond memories of when Beccy used to ride, standing around in the freezing cold!! hope you have ALL the shopping done now!

  12. how wonderful - i'm a bit scared of horses so never got the love thing going at all - but your girls look like they had the time of their lives - excellent!

  13. They look so thrilled! Are they going to be able to go again? Any chance you can park the car so that you can watch and stay warm?!


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