Monday 26 December 2011

The Big Day

We had a delightful Christmas here and I hope you did in your household too. Our wake up call came shortly before 7am with the girls bringing all our stockings to our bed and we opened them there. Let's just say that Santa seems to understand my love and desire for chocolate. No photos yet (I have been too relaxed) but I shall have to take a picture just so you know how much chocolate Santa can fit into a stocking for future reference!

Shortly after digging down to the toes of all the stockings the girls dragged us all downstairs.

The highlight in the gift giving seemed to be...

More Sylvanian Family stuff.

And for Helen it would have to be...

A pogo stick.

No photos of me opening my ice cream machine. You'll have to wait until I produce some actual ice cream. I have the Ben & Jerry's recipe book to guide me. And some eager volunteers for eventual tasting.

Our turkey was fabulous. Not a sentence often used by me, no matter how hard I try. But this year it was everything I hoped for, and then some. The wine was equally delicious. And that immense feeling of satisfaction at the end of the day was unbeatable. The long sleep afterwards was bliss!



  1. Glad you had a much deserved and fulfilling Christmas day with your family!

  2. Looks like you all had a fantastic day, some very happy girls you have there

  3. Glad you all had a lovely day. Can't wait to see/hear about the results from the ice cream machine.


  4. Oooh Ben & Jerrys recipe book? Sounds wonderful... you'll be bringing a fully stocked ice box in june? x

  5. Looks like a fun time was had by all! Ice cream - yum!

  6. 7 am is a very respectable time for your girls to have woken you. Aren't they thoughtful.

    It amazes me that Santa knows exactly what to bring. Chocolate sounds delightful but Im not sure I could even eat a tiny piece at the moment. Im still stuffed from Christmas Day.

    Glad your turkey was sublime and your wine went down easily. (I had wayyyyyyy too many shots Christmas night and am still feeling a bit sluggish )

  7. You didn't just say Ben and Jerry's did you??????????????? I can't believe you'll be able to make your own B&J ice-cream!! I LOOOOOOOOOVE B&J ice-cream - caramel choo choo pleeeeeeese! So glad you and yours had a fab day, and I would expect a turkey cooked in your house to be anything but fabulous!! Jxo

  8. Woohoo for fab Christmasses and lots of chocolate! The B&J recipe book is fab, although you may need shares in double cream ;o)

  9. Looks like kids are the same no matter what continent they live. Our grandson received the sama Pogo stick! Looks like you had some very happy girls there.
    We went to bed by 8:30 last night./ exhaustion!
    I'm so glad your Christmas was merry!

  10. Sounds like your Christmas day was just perfect! Glad the turkey turned out great, mine did too and its a great feeling :-)

  11. A pogo stick - now that is a blast from the past! Delightful children with delightful reactions - would love to have seen yours!

    Glad you had a great day! Hope there are lots more to come...!

  12. So glad you and the girls and Himself had a wonderful day - hope you are chilling out now and enjoying your extended time together! x

  13. Sounds like a wonderful day - the photo of Emily and her new SF nursery brought a tear to my eye, it's so sweet!

  14. Looks like you had a fantastic day! I'm so glad :) My bro has the B&J ice crean book and LOVES it. Hope you do too! Have you tried any recipes yet? xx


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