Saturday, 27 April 2013

New Starts

Saturdays, as reported previously, are not quiet days round here. I spent my morning watching the girls do stuff like this. Can I just say that the temperatures took an unwelcome plunge this morning!

The girls are so hooked on horses that they actually begged my friend for the privilege of mucking out next time they are there. Huh?!! Maybe they would consider mucking out their rooms.

After the riding lessons it was dance for Emily, and then a grocery shop for all three of us. Six hours after departing the house I was home again. This does not leave much time for sewing. Thank goodness for week days.

All I accomplished today is this.

Lots of little squares. A new project. A secret. I'm excited. Sorry!



  1. Loving the secret squirrel squares (try saying that fast after a couple of glasses of pink wine.

  2. Nice fussy cutting. Btw mucking out horses is not comparable to mucky rooms. Don't know why but it isn't! Di x

  3. The girls look quite professional :)
    I love the little squares, hope you'll reveal the secret soon.

  4. Similar Saturday round these parts.
    Ooooh xxxx

  5. Cannot wait to see the new project of yours!

  6. I'm loving the look of this project. Very sneaky peak though. And you're right about temps dropping when I went out it didn't seem that bad until I came back 20 minutes later got out of the car and it felt so cold. Come on sunshine eh?!

  7. I can relate to having Saturday mornings disrupted by 'stuff'. The squares, however look lovely! Tease.....

  8. Cutting squares is more than I accomplished. Looking forward to seeing what you are going to do with them.

  9. Ha! Your Saturday is almost like my normal the little birdie in the bottom corner and the gnome - too cute.

  10. Don't be silly, the crap in their room is far less appetising ;o)

    See ya tomorra...

  11. Your post takes me back to my weekends as a kid which pretty much always involved horses.

    Oooh Im about to start hacking up little squares . I wonder if we're doing the same thing?

  12. You have the best selection of fabrics to do fussy cutting! And mucking out rooms wouldn't be nearly as much fun.

  13. Weekends are crazy like that. I never seem to have as much time as I would like to do what I want and then there's the chores .. Love that your girls are loving the horses, even in the cold.

  14. My poor old mum used to have to stand out in all weather whilst I went to riding lessens! I never really liked it that much either!

  15. How exciting, new projects, and the chance to freeze your backside off, ouch! I think i'd rather "clean my bedroom" than clean out horse pooh, but it takes all sorts i guess!!! :o)

  16. Enjoy washing the stinky clothes after the mucking out session.

    I wonder what you are up to - I might just have an inkling!

  17. When my daughter was 9 she was wild about horses, so I sent her to a week-long day camp which included riding, grooming, - and mucking out. At the end of the week, her enthusiasm for horses had waned significantly - she never asked for a horse again! It might just work. LOL.

  18. Ooooh, looking forward to seeing what you are making. I feel your pain with the riding, Beccy did it for several years!

  19. Ooooh, looking forward to seeing what you are making. I feel your pain with the riding, Beccy did it for several years!

  20. Saturday mornings for me is sweating it out in the viewing area of the swimming pool while the boys have their lessons, the fussy cut squares look intriguing ;o)

  21. Nice fabrics. The girls look thrilled to be freezing while playing with the horses


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