Thursday, 23 January 2014

House Rule Number One

Don't poke Robert with a pin. Ever!

Look at that face. Poor Robert lives in fear.


PS: Is anyone else this anal about their pin cushions?


  1. That's so funny! Poor little Robert, beautiful pincushion though! Xx

  2. love the pincushion but no one with eyes like that could be poked with a pin! You can only use half of it though so you'll have to make another one. Just saying :)

  3. ha ha!! I love that. Poor Robert would definitely get poked in my house :)

  4. Ha! Yes I'm the same - always seems a shame to keeping putting pins into something so lovely!!!

  5. I am glad to hear it!! However, should a Richard ever cross, me, I know where I am turning for some voodoo fish action!!

  6. I am glad to hear it!! However, should a Richard ever cross, me, I know where I am turning for some voodoo fish action!!

  7. I am glad to hear it!! However, should a Richard ever cross, me, I know where I am turning for some voodoo fish action!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. LOL, I don't make any as nice as yours. I would pin poor Robert though, if he lived here.

  10. Lovely pinnie! There's no way I could poke Robert!

  11. Lol. That's just the cutest thing. Poor little Robert will have a nervous breakdown soon, with all those pins coming so very close. He dices with death in a daily basis!!
    E xx

  12. I need this pincushion as Robert regularly annoys me, and sticking a pin in him would make me feel a lot better, and it's cheaper than therapy!

  13. Free acupuncture for Robert and he's missing out ....

  14. If I had such a cute Robert on mine I'd probably try not to poke him, too.

  15. Poor Robert - I would do the same though:)

  16. Aww, poor wee Robert! I wouldn't be able to poke him either!

  17. He needs to Bob away from la epee or he will become a swordfish.

  18. That is a cute pincushion but I would not worry too much about him if it were me.

  19. Did he actually tell you that? :)And the answer is no, I'm not! :)

  20. Yes, unless it's name was Neil, then it would resemble a hedgehog!

  21. I have a rainbow circle of flying geese pinnie that has been colour coded by my eldest. If I put the wrong colour pin in the wrong colour goose she gets annoyed with me. FFS!

  22. I wouldn't pin poor Robért. But I would the blue all around him.

  23. Yep, I have Woodstock looking out of a window on a pincushion someone made me and I feel guilty if I get him pinned!

  24. I don't like sticking pins in the Mendocino Mermaid pinnie I got in a swap. On a different computer and still having problems with commenting on your blog - kill pages thing pops up!

  25. You, my friend, have a problem!!!!! Oh wait, we knew that....

  26. So cute! I wouldn't have the heart to poke him with a pin either!

  27. I really like little robert, he's a fun touch to your pincushion. I made a little needle felted lady that I use as a pin cushion. I only pin on the body section which is just a cone shape, I never stick pins in her face!

  28. I love Robert - he looks like you've got a bit too close with a pin on more than one occasion! It'll come as no surprise to learn that I am as obsessive about my pin cushions...

  29. Oh he's adorable! Glad you are keeping him safe ;-)

  30. SWIM ROBERT!!! SWIM!!!! LOLOL Poor little bugger hasn't a chance *shakes head & looks away*
    I just bought a magnetic one, its not the same. I need a pretty one.

  31. Ha. I have a mousie pin cushion and I feel evil every time I stab them.

  32. Poor lovey Robert! You take good care of that little frightened fella.


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