Wednesday 2 October 2013

Some Things Are Not Meant To Be

Me and paper piecing. It just doesn't compute. I don't know why. I'm not stupid. I get how to do it. I just can't. Well I can, but not without a lot of angst, and thread ripping out and foul language. Exhibit 'A' below shows just an example of what I am capable of.

But, in a remarkable show of perseverance, I eventually got there in the end.

Stitch Tease bee blocks for Jenn of a Knotted Thread. Over a month late and imperfect, but honestly, this is good as I am capable with paper piecing. I am missing the necessary bit of quilters DNA apparently. Never mind, I am sure that I got someone's hand stitching gene in exchange.



  1. Awffy braw when they're finished tho eh?

  2. They look quite lovely. I share your difficulties with paper piecing and have said to 'ell with it ... I'll simply admire others who do it so well. :)

  3. I almost always resort to using pieces twice as big as folks call for because I always mess it up.

  4. Fu-hu-huuuck! That's what I would have been saying! But they're super pretty and I'm sure will be appreciated. Especially once the tears have washed off. *g*

  5. I didn't get that gene either....they look good though!

  6. snorting at Lynz's comment and I am pretty sure you got all of my hand sewing genes ;-)

  7. me either. here here.

  8. They look amazing! Brilliant colors.

  9. Yay!!
    You are under strict orders to NEVER see the backside of my geese for Val I made today!

  10. Thanks ...Just bought a paper piecing pattern online 5 minutes ago and now I've realised if you cant do it with your amazing talents and skill I have no bloody hope!

  11. That'll be my hand stitching genes you got ;o)

  12. Wow! Stunning block S! Well worth the perseverance! Jxo

  13. Oh I'm with you . . my brain freezes over . . . .
    you did good tho' . . . . real good

  14. It does take a while to get your head around the PP concept - but you definitely make up for it in the hand stitching department!

  15. That looks like the Arkansas Traveler. It's not an easy one, so don't feel bad. You got it in the end!

  16. Think I'm missing that gene too! These look fab though, well done :-)

  17. I am not sure I get it either - I managed it twice but it is not my favourite thing to do...

  18. Wimp ! Just practice more!

    I will be so unpopular now I know but I felt the same way a year ago and am not so phased by it now

  19. I dint even know how to do it, so you are one up on me!

  20. So I'm guessing you wouldn't do mine if I asked you to help me out then!! ;o). They look great, hope mine go together quickly, and without toooooooo much sweraing. x

  21. I have trouble with PP too but find if I don't cut the pieces out until after I've stitched them it gives me a lot more leeway- which I need! Long triangles are a PITA but if I roughly cut them into shape with scissors first (but BIG shapes lol) then I normally get through that OK. Just Y-seams for me to finally get to grips with now :S

  22. You have done a great job but PP does require you to inverse your brain, so to speak. Di x

  23. We all have things were not good at or can't get our heads around. I feel your pain. The blocks look lovely to me. Remember we do this sewing lark for fun and it's rare the quilt police go round checking your work :-)

  24. I enjoy PP and have been doing it a long time but still perfectly capable of making boo boos.

  25. I feel the same way. I can fold fabric around a hexagram, but I cannot cannot cannot make paperpiecing look like anything besides a great big fat mess.

  26. Bit like me & embroidery then missus :-/
    … at least I can knit.
    (Call yerself a quilter, Terri?) lol

  27. They are GORGEOUS!! I'm so sorry about the headaches! I can't wait to get this one all put together :)

  28. They look good to me too .. that being said, if you struggle with paper piecing, should someone like me even try? Now I'm not just scared of it, I'm terrified.


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