Monday 7 October 2013


I thought I would take a look at my third quarter wishlist for finishes in the Finish-a-Long. Best laugh I have had so far today - keeping in mind that it is just past 10am here and I've already chased around after an escaped gerbil and been tortured by a physiotherapist. Laughs were few and far between up until this point.

The sum total of my finishes for 3Q FAL is SFA. Nil. Nada. Nothing. Complete and total fail.

Am I surprised? No! This summer sewing seemed to take a back seat to everything else and I don't have a problem with that. It just means that 4Q FAL should be a record breaker. (Insert more laughter, please.) Stay tuned and I will get that list posted in the next few days. Meanwhile here are a few of the things that still languish in the WIP pile.

If you want to see some of the wonderful things that people have been successfully finishing in the FAL then pop on over to Leanne's blog - She Can Quilt. She is the uber-mama of the FAL and does the most fantastic job. Thankfully there are so many people participating and they have a much higher success rate than I do.

she can quilt



  1. Well your wip look gorgeous, and you're still doing better than me. I didn't even manage to write a wish list for q3 of the FAL!

  2. Well rescuing a gerbil is far more important that fal! Mark is having physio and seems to be in more pain?! That is a beautiful bunch of wips and looking forward to seeing them done :-)

  3. Told you them rodents were trouble ;-)

  4. Oh well, there's plenty of sewing to keep you busy for the rest of the year.
    Those gerbils are pesky little rodents arenn't they!

  5. I stopped signing up to the FAL because I got too depressed when same old same old weren't getting finished. That said I'm going to link up for Q4 and we'll see how we both do!

  6. At least you've still got your sense of humour! Hope you are ok physio wise. Jxo

  7. Thank you for the kind words, and I am glad you will be aboard for Q4. I hope you feel better and those rodents are a pain.

  8. What was it about this quarter. I purposely only listed 3 things but finished just one! Glad to know I'm not alone.

  9. They are pretty WIPS though.... ;-)

  10. I don't think I finished any of mine this quarter, and quite frankly, I don't care, I'm not going to even look at the list to make myself feel bad!! Love your wip's, and they will all look gorgeous when they're done, even if that is next year. x

  11. If it's any consolation you have a very pretty pile of WIPs. At least they should be fun to get back to when you get the time.

  12. It was an amazing summer with lots of sunshine so you have the best excuse ever! And to keep you laughing .. I did not finish anything either :D

  13. You will get them day. I did manage to get 2 of my 3 items finished for this quarter. I can't wait to see your list for next quarter, is it s mile long???

  14. I think we were all outside enjoying the sunshine rather than sewing!

  15. That's a very pretty pile of WIP's you have there. Summer always seems to put a crimp in my sewing plans. I guess we're all too busy actually enjoying life to do much sewing.

  16. Oh, your WIPS certainly are gorgeous, though! I managed one finish - so no ticker tape parade for me either. ;o)

  17. The Summer quarter is a dead loss all round, except for some mad crazy people!!

  18. Lol, I only got a finish by quilting like a fool on the last day!

    What with long winter nights in front of the fire I'm sure you'll complete your whole q4 list (but then all your wip's are so pretty, I'd probably spend hours trying to decide where to start! )

  19. But you have some cool WIPs to work on this quarter. And all my Q4 WIPs are still in my head or on a piece of paper.

  20. I agree with Sarah....rodents need traps!

  21. Love, love, love those WIPs on the top. At least you have the promise of working on such beautiful projects this quarter!

  22. Snaperooney - and that is two Qs in a row!

    The biggest laugh is that I stated at the beginning of the year I wanted to finish all UFOs by the end of the year - I've ended up with more! Helen had to remind me about that - still love her though!

  23. O thank goodness its not just me. I'm doing terrible on finishing things for 2013. Keeping it interesting is far better for our brains. Take care!

  24. Your wips are gorgeous .. and when they are finished it will be so much worth the wait!

  25. Your WIPs are stunners, so fingers crossed Q4 is a winner for you :) I'm in the same boat as you. No finishes this quarter. Last across the finish line :(

  26. Och, you need to save some for next year or I'd get all lonely ;o)


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