Tuesday 9 October 2012

The Final Quarter

Right, this is it - my last chance to make a list, check it twice, and find out that I am naughty or nice too ambitious for my own good. But it is all good fun and why not have lots of ideas and see where it goes. I do feel that Rhonda's fabulous FAL linky party has spurred lots of us to just get on with some projects this year, rather than leaving them buried.

And buried is a good word. Because I found a ziplock bag in my toy storage box. I curiously wondered what was in it, and lo and behold - it was a cushion that I started for my best friend months ago. My machine acted up. I tidied up, and it didn't see the light of day again until recently.

Next is a new project I've started as it is the time to start thinking about Christmas presents. Having been impressed with the epp being appliquéd on tote bags in the Mouthy Swap I thought I too could do that. Papers and fabrics have now been cut.

Then there is the One of the Birdies quilt - yet again on the list. But as I intend to give this to someone as a Christmas present I need to get it done this quarter. Or else I need to come up with another gift idea. Wouldn't it just be easier to go with what I've got?!

I will have my bee blocks for my turn at Brit Bee in this quarter too. I wonder if I can get them made into a quilt? Well, I might as well add it to this list just in case.

I sure fire success in the FAL will be my Mouthy Stitches tote for my secret partner. As a mama I most definitely will have this posted on time!

And I fully intend to make my diamond hexies into a cushion at last, and this too will be re-homed. (Christmas puts much more pressure on the actually getting things done bit, doesn't it?!!)

I also have started a secret cushion for a secret one on one swap. Can't talk about that and can't show photos so you will have to wait until I reveal all in a couple months time.

And that is all I am going to come up with. Because it is more than enough and we all know that bee blocks and life throw in far more projects than we ever anticipate - so here's hoping earmarking most of these makes as Christmas gifts helps me achieve my best success yet this quarter.



  1. A very ambitious list! And such lovely projects too - the colours of the top cushion are lovely. I am also glad to read that all is returning normal your way - of course, now you will bags of time and it will be done in a trice, yes?!

    Pomona x

  2. Wow I love your diamond stars piecing and quilting, makes me want to start something new!!

  3. Ah, Christmas, time of joy and harassed sewing.

  4. Thats a good few projects to keep you busy there! I need to get my list done too. Look forward to seeing the EPP

  5. Look at these gorgeous projects! You're filled with spectacular color. Love it love it.

  6. What a lovely comprehensive list of projects!

  7. Good list - I think you will rock this quarter!!

  8. Hopefully the variety in your list will keep you motivated....and that Christmas deadline! Love the long lost cushion!

  9. Excellent list and of course you can do it, especially if Christmas is a deadline. Di x

  10. Not too much for a girl like you. Your snowball block is impressive!

  11. And for the second month??

    Wow great list Susan and I will be very happy when you get it all done well before Christmas!

  12. Just wondered if this inspired your Unicorn block?


  13. You know that adds up to 7! That is a lot to get done, Christmas or not. I think you must be missing the sewing time a lot. I am going to make my list, probably I will have this many too.

  14. You'll be fine, done by the weekend!

  15. It's a walk in the park for you Super-Suz! Jxo

  16. Lovely projects! I don't remember the diamond hexies - was that a summer project I missed?

  17. I love all the bright colors!

  18. I agree, very ambitious. You're making me think of what I should try and get done by Christmas, what projects to start and finish. I still have two-three from last year so I should probably start with those. I'll enjoy watching your progress.

  19. I'm thinking your list is a bit ambitious too, but you never know unless you give it a go. You do have some gorgeous projects in there which will make it easier to finish them.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. what a lot of great projects to finish and you are giving the birdie quilt away !!!! i would have been soooo tempted to keep it myself :))))

  22. Awww,gorgeous stuff Susan! I love the hand quilted ones a lot! Can't wait to see everything finished! :)


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