Saturday 6 October 2012

I am Still Here

Really, I am still here. Just taking care of life. Important stuff, that I am not going to talk about for a change. Suffice to say we are working on getting back to normal here. And for anyone who has been worried or wondered, Emily is doing great. It has been a difficult three weeks and things are not yet on an even keel. Getting there might be slow going, but we will get there.

So with a quick chorus of 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life' I shall show you the little, tiny bit of sewing I accomplished today. Not much, but better than nothing.

It is for my Mouthy Stitches tote. Not sure what my partner will think. Not sure what I think. It is a work in progress still. If it doesn't float my partner's boat then I might just give it away here as I think we are in need of a little giveaway in the near future. Something to make me smile.

There is obviously more to do before the front of the tote is finished. As I have not decided just what else I am going to add yet (really, when do I have a clue) and I am sure perle handstitching should come into the as of yet unformed plan - just what do you think of this half baked idea? Does it work or should I start from scratch on a different unformed plan?

Opinions? Please say, honestly, if this idea has a future. My brain is rather frazzled and I am not as decisive as I might be usually.



  1. Nooo don't scrap it - it looks great - honestly. If you have to give it away just give it my direction ok. I love the colours and patterns and fussy cutting.

    Hugs to you and Emily xx

  2. I for one, hope your partner doesn't like it :-). Glad Emily is doing okay. Hugs xx

  3. I love it, your could carry that blue strip around to the back and embroider something lovely on the bag somewhere. It will be lovely. I am glad you are getting things done and you know that we are all thinking of you.

  4. Susan, you do such great work! You inspire and I always love to see what you create each day. Don't toss, you can always send it my way and I'll treasure it forever.

  5. It definitely works!! I love Leanne's idea about the blue lines. Hope you're catching up on some sleep xx

  6. It is fab Susan. I love that blue and the bikes are cool. Really, really glad Emily is doing ok. Cx

  7. I absolutely love it. Love the design, love the fabric and love the colours. Send it over :)

  8. Yay for Leanne - I am going to start paying her to do my thinking!

    Keep at it xxx

  9. I too like the blue lines and would continue them to the other side where I'd be tempted to embroider something like

    On yer bike

    I want to ride my bicycle....

    Or some bon mot!

  10. I LOVE it! Inspired putting the slatted lines in behind the blocks! Keep going chick! Jxo

  11. It's FANTASTIC - do not even think of changing tack. Stick with it and it'll come together.

    Glad you are all getting there - best wishes winging their way to you, my friend. xx

  12. I like it and it will be a gorgeous tote. I love the bright colors! I am still in the planing phase ....

  13. Make something else for your partner, I want this :oD

  14. do not scrap it is perfect !!! glad all ok had missed you !!!

  15. It looks great and I am so glad Em is better. I was just going to email you to see how things were going. Please know you have been in my thoughts lately!
    Bug hugs flying across the Atlantic

  16. I think it looks great too and I love the lines! Glad Emily is doing well and hope you're ok as well :) xxxx

  17. They're looking great - I wasn't too sure when I saw them individually (but that's just my colour ebnt), but your choice of background is fab - really ties them together and looking lovely. If this is not having a clue, I wish I didn't have one in the same way!

  18. Just popping by to say hi and hoping there aren't Susan's head shapes in brick walls round the village! Glad to hear Emily is doing better, and loving your MS blocks.

  19. Well I love it, the colours go so well against the blue too: don't scrap it.
    Glad to hear things are on the up: keep smiling x

  20. That annabella can always bring out a smile huh.
    Anyway don't you dare scrap this beauty!!

    I know life is a bit overwhelming right now. Just put your hand in your pocket every time you need a little support and we will all be in there to hold your hand.
    Kat xx

  21. Love the MS! You and your family are in my thoughts! Stay strong! We are all here for you...

  22. Well everyone took my good ideas... Lol

    Wish I could change your world right now! One day at a time.... Big smooches

  23. I love the colours and the bikes and I hate bike riding lol.
    Glad Emily is feeling better, catch up on lots of rest and life'll find a way to sort itself out

  24. Hey, sorry to hear things are a bit shitty at the moment, but Glad Emily is improving.
    The blocks are looking good and I'd be very happy with them.

  25. Life's always getting the way there, it's such a bugger! Hang in there, as you say, you will get there. Lovin the bikes for the bag, it's just SOO COOL. Hugs, hugs hugs :)

  26. I'm glad Em's doing well. I'm not sure why, but I was really feeling led to pray for her yesterday, so of course, I did. :) I just love your little lady and I don't even know her!

    And as for the tote, it's terrible. Really. You should just pop it in the mail to me so I can love on it, I mean, dispose of it for you. :)

    But for reals, I love the bikes.

  27. Glad to hear things are getting slowly better at Casa de Susan.

    I love what you've done so far on your swap item and how can you go wrong with perle stitching? March forward with your ideas my friend. Im sure your swap partner will love it.


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