Sunday 14 October 2012

Happy Me

The postman came yesterday, with stuff - for me. Don't you hate it when you are expecting something and when you hear the post fall through the letterbox you jump in excitement, only to find out that it was only bills, or a magazine for the other half - which makes a sound disconcertingly like a fabric package when it hits the floor. Hate that!

But that didn't happen yesterday. It was all for me, me, me. Woohoo! Two packages. From Hadley came my bee block, a little pressie, and a secret bee block for Stitch Tease International Bee of Mystery - which I can't show you until the bee winds up later on next year.

Hadley made me a constellation block because she is famous for them. And has the world's best constellation quilt from the first round of Brit Bee - truly it is amazing, won prizes and all! So she decided it was only right and fair that the star she made for my quilt was one that she is known for, and it measures up at a whopping 24" square. It is amazing, and the way she put the colours together is so vibrant. I couldn't seem to capture that on film properly, but rest assured I love it! Thanks Hadley!

The little present was for taking a photo of her Sissix quilt at the Festival of Quilts this summer. Well she knows that I would have happily snapped away for her without any incentive. But far be it for me to refuse a lovely handmade gift from her. It would be rude to, wouldn't it? So I got this adorable little pouch with perfect embroidery on it. And I am ever so happy it is one of those wide mouthed pouches as I tried to follow a tutorial for one and failed dismally. Now I can study this one and see how it is done. I work much better with visual clues like this.

My other package came from the inimitable Sarah. She of the Japanese Charm Swap. It was indeed my charms and how gorgeous they are. You can see them all here on Sarah's blog. I will just show you a random selection chosen during my brief photography stint outdoors.

Finally, I would like to say a huge thank you for all the comments yesterday. It made my day week month. You will have to believe me that I didn't set out to get kind words, but rather to pass on some kindness to all of you who stop by to read me. But I got back kindness in abundance and it was ever so nice. The blogging world is full of generous souls and I am happy to be part of it. Thank you again.



  1. Beautiful whopper of a star. Di x

  2. That is the best mail, I love the star. And, that Hadley, she has certainly become the embroidery star. I am looking forward to receiving my charms too, they are lovely.

  3. I'm so envious of all those charms!

  4. Fab post, the Constellation is amazing! It's looking like you'll get a great quilt out of these :)

  5. Fab post, the Constellation is amazing! It's looking like you'll get a great quilt out of these :)

  6. what an amazing constellation star-your quilt is going to look great!

  7. dont you just LOVE the postman... when it is for you! lol xx

  8. Ooh, I had similar happy mail too :). Getting ready for a very similarly content post :). Love Hadleys star, and you are so right about her embroidery skills. x

  9. I look forward to seeing the end result of these spectacular blocks :)

  10. I nearly kissed my postie yesterday when he handed me those Japanese charms! I squealed like a teenage girl #embarrassing.

    Your star quilt is going to be fantastic. I can't wait to see it. Hadley's contribution is stellar {as to be expected}.

  11. All fabulous! Hadley's stitching is beautiful!

  12. Nice mail!!! Isn't that run Susan?
    And for the kind words; I wasn't around yesterday, sorry. But I always love your are inspiring and make me smile...great humour. keep it up

  13. Oh that star is fabulous and so are you which is why you got a ton of kind comments x

  14. Fabulous Hadley star :-) and I'm awffy glad you like the charms!

  15. Gotta love a happy mail day, especially when it includes a fabulous star and pouch from Hadley! Your charms are sweet! They will make a great quilt?!

  16. Yay for post days like this. LOVE that star and the pouch! I got my charms too they're lovely!

  17. Oh my goodness, Hadders star is awesome! Bet you're going to love playing with the layout of all these stars :) x

  18. Hadley's star is beautiful as is that gorgeous pouch and very envious of Sarah's charms - lovely and all deserved!

  19. The Japanese charms are adorable. You're going to have so much fun playing with those.

    I'm a visual clue girl myself . Have fun with the pouch . That embroidery is perfect!

  20. gorgeous mail - love that wee pouch - specially with the embroidery..

  21. You're worth it! Enjoy your goodies! Jxo

  22. Happy mail! I got my charm too - delightful they are!

    My Hadley is good to you but I think you deserve it all Susan! The pouch looks perfect for a wee mobile stitchery project! Make sure you put it to good use!

  23. Such lovely things. How wonderful to get two packages! I'm never home when the mail comes, so unless someone mentions I have a package, I don't even know to get excited.

  24. Your star is awesome! Loved hadley's constellation quilt! Charms! Eep! Lovely!

  25. I also hate that disappointment when I see the postman pass the house without calling in........

  26. Fabulous star, pouch and charm pack - a wonderful post day!!

  27. eee! what an awesome post day! are you staring at the post man right now hoping for a repeat? i'd be!

  28. That block is gorgeous! Love the little pouch and the fabric too :) I know what you mean about waiting for parcels, I'm waiting for one this week. So far today we have had 2 lots of junk mail and a letter, so disappointing every time the letterbox goes and it's not for me! Can't complain too much though, I did have some lovely parcels last week!

  29. Aren't the Japanese charms fantastic?! I've no idea what to do with mine, but I can't stop looking at them, admiring all the patterns, and dreaming of the various projects I *could* do!!

  30. beautiful star wish i could do that maybe someday and i am with you on the pouch if i can see it it helps


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