Thursday 18 October 2012

Moving Forward Now

I've done my one step forward two steps back dance. I intend to be moving forward from now on. Because I am now where I was supposed to be yesterday in stitching the tote. Here is what I did to fix my stupid mistake.

And then I...

You wouldn't believe how happy I am to see all those little bits of stitching line up. Now for the lining. Going with the KISS rule this time - Keep It Simple Stupid. The stupid obviously referring to me and no one else.



  1. make my morning Susan....we all go through these steps too.

  2. ROFL! You make it look so easy! Can't wait to see it finished now! Jxo

  3. If only it was that quick in reality huh. As usual I am in awe of your commitment to your project!

  4. You made that look far less painful than I bet it was!

  5. Looks amazing! Are you sure you aren't sending this to me?!

  6. Great save!! And what a beautiful bag!! I love it.

  7. It looks great! I would love to manage to match the seams. Now you can sent it over to me :)

  8. It was worth is because it is beautiful. Lucky recipient

  9. Oh you must have been so frustrated! So annoying to the same thing twice, but hey it's worth it, it really is looking fab! Stick with it, can't wait to see it finished!

  10. Fabulous sweetie fabulous :-)

  11. Think I'll send you my next lot of botched jobs since you can fix them so quickly and effortlessly! Wonderwoman!! Looks fabulous dahling!

  12. Well done Susan. I know it was a pain in the you-know-what but the end result is worth it.

  13. I knew you could do it and with style-way to go!

  14. Aaaahh, now I understand what you did wrong! I must admit, I'm a properly lazy sewer and probably would've left it - good job I was away and missed the sign ups!

  15. Aaaahh, now I understand what you did wrong! I must admit, I'm a properly lazy sewer and probably would've left it - good job I was away and missed the sign ups!

  16. Oh you're not stupid - we've all done it and some of us (me) continue to do dumb things.

  17. There's are lot of us out here who use the KISS method- we're just not as forth right and honest to admit it! Your tote is going to be lovely despite all the angst it's caused! And I expect there's a lesson learnt in the process too! ;-))

  18. Was watching Clarissa in a play yesterday so missed the drama - I would have cried for you! But everything is fabulous now except I didn't win your tote!

    ha well congrats to the winner and I shall have to bribe Helen next time!

  19. Oh I just read your previous post, followed by this one, I did 'eek' a bit in my head when I read the last one! So rubbish when you think it's all done and then see a mistake like that :( My seam ripper was a good investment! Especially as it only cost about 70p lol. Very impressed with how it all lines up now though! And I love yellow, pink and orange together!

  20. Hope you've got that well deserved glass in your hand! fabulous recovery Susan! exhale!

  21. OH! I've missed a post, must head back to read what went wrong.

    Repeat after me..."must keep up to date with my blog reading, must keep up to date with my blog reading, "

    Your running stitch is great and those bright colours work really well together.

    Sarah x

  22. Whew, glad you were able to fix it, I might have hurled it into the corner in a fit of pique...

  23. You so get the prize for the most persistent Mouthy Stitcher. It's going to be totally worth it, Susan. Keep your head up!

  24. everything lines up so well. It's great!

  25. It was worth it in the end, but I bet that was a truly painful experience for you. I definitely stick to the KISS principal, much easier in the long run. I would have thrown mine into the corner with Katy's.

  26. Beautiful re-sewing. You really do have more patience than I do !


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