Tuesday 6 September 2011

Listen to the Sound of Silence

Bliss! Absolute bliss, I tell you. Have I done a lot today. Nope! Do I care? Not one iota. Because I have done not much of anything in silence. I had a long, long chat with one of my bestest buddies on the phone - and no one interupted. I did a little sewing. I read blogs until my eyes near dropped out my head. I did a little sewing. I chatted online to friends. I did a little sewing. No iPod. No television. No computer games. Nothing but the sound of the wind blowing nasty weather around outside.

Yes, most definitely bliss!

What I did manage to do was check off two items from my To Do list. It is nice when you can draw a line through something on a list and know it's completed.

First I made a block for Kat's cheeky quilt. Kat is the sort of person who happily does things for others and then is surprised when people are happy to do things for her. Silly sausage! I hope she likes her block. She wants scrappy, and bright, and slightly wonky. I think I fullfilled the brief.

Next on the agenda were a couple of wonky stars for Judith's Bee Blessed charity bee. You would think I had wonky stars down to a science after making a whole quilt of them but that would be pretty wishful thinking. I did have to unpick several times but I got there in the end.

While we are on the subject of Judith, have you been over to her lovely blog - Rags to Bags - and entered her fantabulous giveaway? If not, hop on over there. 10 FQs of Momo Freebird are up for grabs! You wouldn't want to miss out, would you?!

Judith isn't the only person with a generous giveaway this week. Laura Jane, over at Needles, Pins and Baking Tins has a great one too. While you are in the mood, having entered Judith's giveaway, I would highly recommend that you pop on over to Laura's giveaway and enter that too. You could win 10 FQs of the most gorgeous fabric. Silly not to really! (Why I am telling you about these giveaways and lessening my chances is beyond me. All this me time must be mellowing me!)

So I survived the first day on my own. Think I will give it another go I loved it so much. Oh the joy!



  1. Oh sounds like you had a day from heaven!! Katy's block is lovely (though it doesn't look v.wonky to me! I mean that in a good way!). Thanks so much for the Bee Blessed blocks, they're so cute and will fit in perfectly with others we've received. Don't forget to post pics of them in the flickr group. So can I call you 'Mellow Yellow' now? Jxo

  2. Sounds as if you had a day of bliss!. The block is worthy of its name. Thanks for the tips about the giveaways, but Susuan, get off of some of that bliss, it is making you a bit wonky! LOL. Love to you. Loretta

  3. so lovely to hear you all laid back and blissed out :-) Isnt school wonderful (for parents)! x

  4. Aaah, the sound of silence - bliss indeed! So good I got a whole big quilt quilted today! now she's nagging for tea! Shocking! You had a lovely day Susan, AND productive too!

  5. Sounds wonderful, there are parents across the land singing the same song (and it has the added advantage of being far less annoying than the one Lynne put in my head with her handbag post!). In my house three blocks (wonderful) is a productive day so well done! Enjoy the rest of the week!

  6. What a great day! I love the block you made for Kat. It's scrappy and happy all at once.

  7. Brilliant day! and actually the weather is very bearable if you're tucked up inside sewing! x

  8. Looks like you did loads! I must do my wonky blocks tomorrow...and I have a couple of other charity blocks to do too...oh a long list but a good list. Lovely wonky block. Hope the girls are happy after their first day.

  9. What a great block and I just adore the star with flower fabric!

  10. Well I must admit the silence here was amazing!!

  11. Yes sigh - peace reigns in my house during the school day too and there's more tomorrow Yipee! And the next day....

  12. Sounds like you "survived" on your own. I don't have to work on Friday and can't wait to be home on my own sewing. The blocks are lovely.

  13. Lovely blocks - sound like you just soaked up the peace today! Thanks so much for the Bee Blessed blocks!

  14. the silence is wonderful isn't. Love your star blocks and the log cabin. You got loads more done than me today, I succumbed to the internet and spent far too much time browsing. Nevermind I'll try again tomorrow.

  15. Ack I LOVE it miss thing! Thank you thank you! All the better for coming from you too :)
    Enjoy your second day by yourself today. If only I could ship mine off to school at their respective ages. Hannah starts 2 1/2 days next year and I can't wait. And to think all my friends here homeschool. I cannot wrap my head around the concept of wanting to do that with mine I'm afraid.

  16. I love all your blocks! And thanks for the reminedr about those giveaways. My blogger has been playing up and I couldn't leave comments. Off to enter now :)

  17. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I Just noticed that you used one of my "uglies"...
    You are funny! LMAO...

  18. I love a good long convo with an old pal! Blocks look great :D

  19. uh, my iphone "autocorrected" my web address in the above comment. it's http://www.kristastitched.blogspot.com/

    wish i could delete it now but i cant! ugh, technology...


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