Thursday 4 February 2016

Fifteen Candles

Helen turned fifteen on the weekend. Seriously, I'd show photos of her when I first started blogging to show you how she has changed in the past five years, but I won't. Because she has full approval of any and all images I put on her or IG of her these days. Which is fair enough.

So this is the photo I was allowed to use.

Needless to say I am endless proud of her. She celebrated her birthday by having her three closest friends over for the night. Emily joined the fun by having her bestie over as well.

Emily took the responsibility of cake decoration on. She chose a Dr Who theme with Helen's blessing. Ever seen the Doctor, his sidekick and daleks made with marshmallows before?

You have now. The icing is that lurid shade of pink because we flavoured/coloured it with a crushed and sieved punnet of raspberries.

Anyway, I would have recovered from the weekend by Monday, if Helen hadn't needed to see the doctor. And then be taken to A&E Monday night when it turned out she is allergic to some antibiotics. Poor thing.

It's been a long week. Much longer for her than me. She's so itchy! Bless her, she decided to return to school though.

I might get to sew again.



  1. Happy belated birthday Emily! Beautiful picture and impressive cake! I like the pink :) Hope she's feeling better soon x

  2. Aw poor H! Hope she stops itching soon! Your girls are both beautiful and a credit to you. Happy birthday to Em! Jxo

  3. Great cake, and she is growing into a beautiful young woman.

  4. beautiful daughter. And interesting cake!

  5. Lovely photo of Helen. Poor kid to have had that allergic reaction.

  6. Happy belated birthday H! Hope the itches have gone now xxx

  7. Happy birthday to Helen. I hope the itch has subsided.

  8. I hope Helen is feeling all better now and that you, she and J have memorised the name of those antibiotics for future reference! Love the cake Em made, hope you survived the sleepover!


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