Sunday 4 October 2015

Pie Making Day

This was a pie making day - not of the fabric line kind - but of the fruit and pastry type of pie.

Each year at this time I am invited over to my friend's house to pick as many apples from their orchard as I would like. Obviously no one would turn down an offer like that so I go and take more than I need. Then I end of sharing them with my MIL and the neighbours. My friend thinks this is great so I am not being (too) cheeky.

I have been freezer diving to feed the family for over a week so that I could (a) defrost said freezer, and (b) have enough room to put some pies in. Yesterday the defrosting took place. Today was all about the pies.

I own five pie plates. I may need to buy more, but then again that may mean I need to buy another freezer too. My method of mass production is to make a big batch of pastry and line all the pie tins. Then out comes the good old fashioned Victorian apple peeler, slicer and corer all in one tool. I could not do this task without it. I fill a pie shell with fruit, top it with pastry and then move on to the next one. It takes (next to) no time at all like this.

As is the way of things there is always some leftover pastry. So jam tarts were the next to be whipped up. Silly not to.

And one of the pies had to be baked for quality control. No worries, when the pie tin is empty again I will make another pie for the freezer.

Only the jam tarts were ready before the pie was.

They got decimated while we waited. But we still managed to eat pie. Obviously. We are nothing if not determined.



  1. Oh my! I don't have much of a sweet tooth but that pie looks amazing and jam tarts might just be my weakness!

  2. I'm so jealous of your beautiful pies. We were robbed of Apple season this year because of the severe drought. Hoping to go apple picking next year for sure c

  3. Delicious! And why have I never thought of freezing an entirely raw apple pie? Genius!

  4. Can I come over and help with quality control the next time? and those jam tarts look yummy -- just jam in the pastry shell?

  5. Your pies are making my mouth water. They look delicious.


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