Thursday 18 April 2013

While I Was Away...

... I told you I had packed some epp for me to get on with. I asked you all to guess how much I would get done. Do you realise how unrealistic some of you are?! It's me we're talking about, after all. The world's best procrastinator (actually my dad is, just in case he tries to quote this).

I went away with six pieced hexies.

I cut and basted seven more hexies while at my mum's and then sewed like a wee demon on the train ride home, getting six of them pieced, and the seventh started.

A rather blurry photo but proof I was working on the train.
I have got on with it more since I got home. It is a small project so easy to get on with. I pieced the last hexies and then pieced them all together. Then I tried to take a photo of them up against the fence in rather windy conditions, with a varied success rate. The best and the worst are shown.

I decided the grass made a better backdrop as the trampoline surface was being as uncooperative as the fence.

This panel needs to be turned into something now. There is a plan in place already. It is just up to me to get on with it. Now, there in lies the problem. So many projects on the go and a total inability to focus on one of them.



  1. Good going Susan, I'm with you on the too many projects on the go!!
    Just about to start my geometric mini!

  2. Looks great! Love the colour combos. That wind is unbelievable!

  3. This is gorgeous! Lovely pink and grey!

    I am sure you already made up your mind? The sun comes out and will motivate you to finish one UFO after the other

  4. Great colours, and fair play for getting so much done! EPP is time consuming!

  5. Loving your colour combination, especially your spots!! Can't wait to see what it becomes. Sarah

  6. Like you, I'm not a very good at sewing monogamy either - every project is for a different situation (that's what I tell myself anyway!) Love your EPP - it would be a really striking bag panel! Can't wait to see what you do with it :) x

  7. Wow - I am terrible for packing projects and not getting to the them on a trip but you definitely made hay on those…!

    Lovely work.

  8. Focus smocus, just have fun. Well, unless there is some kind of real deadline, I guess. I love this piece, the bits of brights really work so well with the greys and blacks.

  9. Your colors are great. I know you will turn this into something fantastic.

  10. I think this is beautiful and very sophisticated fabric palette. Bet you'll make something stunning from it.

  11. It's lovely and I can't wait to see what you turn it into!

  12. I really like it! I want bigger.... lol

  13. Looking good. Bigger EPP pieces doesnt always mean quicker!

  14. They're looking so fab! Love the combo of greys you're using. Keep stitching!

  15. Those colours all look so good together. Love it

  16. your so quick, I only managed a tiny bit of embroidery when I was on hols

  17. Grey with a splash of colour - perfect. I know what I would turn them into so I look forward to see what you choose. Have fun. Di x

  18. Very grown up - I assume you are giving it away then!!

  19. I really love the colours in your EPP and it's going to make a wonderful xyz!

  20. Fabulous! Looking forward to seeing the finished article :)

  21. I'm impressed with how much you did get done ! I usually pack heaps and do nothing! Pink and grey is such a pretty colour combo!

  22. Looks fab- and you see, you'l end up with loads of things ending at the same time, so you'll have lots to tell us about!! :o)

  23. Well done Susan, it looks lovely! I gave up on the EPP as soon as I was home from my travels, and decided to use the shapes in a small project. At least I have a finish... I'm curious how you'll finish yours!

  24. Looking fabulous there Susan. I was way off with my guess of how many of these you'd get done while away!

    You do like to keep us in suspense dont you?

  25. Beautifully done, I love your fabric combinations.

  26. Oh so beautiful! Sure variety is the spice of life! Jxo

  27. We know you well ;o)

    Oh look, shiny...

  28. These look so lovely together - I really like the colours too!

  29. Those are just gorgeous .. I love your color choices (way to go on getting some done on the way home).

  30. I agree with Leanne. Have fun, it's looking great

  31. I love the colours you have chosen, it will look great when it get's my new table runner, right?

  32. I love the colours - it's really pretty! Well done for getting on with it - I am VERY impressed!

  33. I knew they would multiply! Love the colours - I think they'd make a stunning table runner.

  34. I love the pops of color. Can't wait to see what you are building.

  35. Haha - I did say it would be double or nothing! So close!

    I love it - not seen you use these colours together before! It will be a beautiful something but I'm wondering what!?

  36. That's hexagon awesomeness! Love the colours!!


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