Sunday 14 April 2013

Cushion Swap

I have mentioned before that I have been doing private swaps rather than joining in the ones on Flickr as those can sometimes be more time consuming than we have time available. (Though I do currently seem to be in three different fabric swaps - low volume, rainbow charms and text charms.)

You may remember a little while ago I made this cushion.

Well, it got sent off to its new home in Texas a little while ago. Thankfully Cindy liked it, and she in turn made me a gorgeous cushion which arrived while I was away. I have not yet had the chance to get an insert so you will have to make do with photos of the deflated version. I was too excited to wait until I had the insert to show you.

It is hard to express the detail and skill that went into making this cushion cover. Each leaf is reverse appliqué. The machine stitching is perfect and the hand stitching with it inspired. It all compliments each of the other elements so well. And there is a wonderfully massive button closure on the back.

A huge thank you to Cindy for putting so much effort into our swap. I couldn't be happier.

You would think that was enough, but long ago, before we decided to do a swap, Cindy and I had an online discussion about sweets we liked. I mentioned Twizzlers and then brought up how I always used to have Pixy Stix on camping holidays when I was a child. Look what Cindy managed to track down.

The coolest thing about this is that Pixy Stix (which I have not had in too many years to mention) really do taste as good as I remember. Yay!!!

Cindy added a bonus block to my package and said she was interested in seeing what I did with it. I presume she meant after I got over my awe at her precise piecing!

So if any of you out there are wondering if private swaps are worth doing. Hell yeah!

Thank you so much, Cindy - Tops to Treasures!



  1. cool :-) but will you share them?

  2. Beautiful cushion covers and such an interesting block ... I look forward to seeing what you do with that one. :)

  3. Oh how lovely. (The sewing and the sweeties.)

  4. I love both cushions! What are Pixy Stix?

  5. You are going to have trouble keeping that candy for yourself. I love the cushion you received, it is very beautiful, as is the one you sent.

  6. I love private swaps! And you got an awesome cushion cover! And loads of sweets! Way to go!

  7. It was an awespme swap. Thanks!

  8. Ooh lucky you, you got a lovely cushion cover and twizzlers... Yum!!!


  9. I am in awe of anyone who does reverse applique, and yes private swaps are great!

  10. Mhmmmm yummy! Not only this gorgeous cushion also so many sweets. Best of all it tastes as good as they used to!

  11. Beautiful pillows and block!

  12. what a wonderful parcel xx hope you are not too high from all that sugar! lol x

  13. Oh you made out like a bandit ;D
    We have a retro candy shop in Saskatoon where you can get all those treats we had as kids. Nice that the Pixy Sticks haven't been messed with!
    Different Smarties though than in Canada, eh?
    Lovely pillow cover and the block is a beauty, can't wait to see what you do with it.

  14. Firstly, those are not Smarties!
    Great cushion, I just saw Mandy is teaching reverse appliqué at Retreat, I am putting my name down xx

  15. Oh how fabulous. I love both cushions and a bit of 'candy' never hurts does it?!

  16. Gorgeous pillow covers! Wow. Those leaves are just wonderful :)

    And yay candy! What a great little extra.

  17. Wow, that really was a great swap for both you and Cindy too. I like the look of those sweeties. Mmmmm

  18. What a fantastic cushion and that pieced block-amazing!

  19. Sheesh, they just don't know swizzlers when they see them, smarties indeed! Bet you've got them all hidden now ;o) Fab haul all round really!

  20. OMG! Yum, I love lollies...oh and the sewing she did was great too. Can't wait to see what you do with the block.

  21. Great swap! I'm all for private swaps too- it is much more personal! I hope you have a dental appointment booked....

  22. Wow! Stunning cushion! And what a generous hoard of treats! Jxo

  23. Definitely a good swap - the cushion cover is beautiful!

  24. Definitely a good swap - the cushion cover is beautiful!

  25. Lucky Cindy, lucky you! Glad you still like your childhood nibbles! Enjoy!

  26. What a lovely cushion cover. Love all your other goodies and I can't wait to see what you do with the block.

  27. That was quite a spectacular swap. I don't know who made out ahead...but either way you both ended up with fantastic cushions and extra bonuses.

  28. Oh, wow! Both of you did such amazing work…. That is a win-win for sure!

  29. I love both cushions. I think you both did some beautiful work and I'm not surprised you are both really happy with what you got.

    I like the idea of private swaps, but haven't ever tried one. I think swapping is more prevalent in the sewing community than it is in the knitting world.

  30. What a beautiful cushion. I think private swaps seem like a really great idea.

  31. I love your fishy cushion! I'm sure Cindy does as well. How super you have a little supply of Pixie Sticks. Where on earth did she find them? What a nice swap you created, C and S!

  32. Oh my goodness! Pixy Styx... Haven't had (or seen!) any of those in years! How fun!


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