Friday 22 February 2013

Is Cookie Dough a Food Group?

If cookie dough is not a food group, then it should be. Or at least recognised as a suitable lunchtime meal in this house. If not, I think I just had a very unhealthy lunch. There was oatmeal in the dough. Does that count for something?

Chocolate Chip cookies are sublime. Crispy on the outside, chewy inside. When eaten fresh from the oven, oozing warm chocolate you are close to cookie nirvana.

I think that I might have published this recipe before, but it is easier to do it again and put the links in the appropriate place than find where it was originally posted. Besides, I am sort of on a cookie high right now and just feel the need to tell you all about them again.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 cup butter (8 ozs)
1 cup sugar
1 cup light brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp cold water
1 1/2 cups plain flour
3 cups oatmeal
200g semi sweet chocolate chips (8ozs)
1.2 cup dessicated coconut (optional)

Preheat the oven to 180C; 350F; 160C fan oven; Gas Mark 4.

Cream the butter and sugars together. Add remaining ingredients one at a time, mixing in before adding the next. (That's it! Super easy.)

Line your cookie trays and place spoonfuls fairly well spaced apart as they will spread. No need to flatten your spoonfuls, the heat will do that for you. Bake for approximately 10 minutes, until golder brown. Let cool on the tray for a few minutes before removing to a cooling rack.

See how long you can hold off before you eat one.

This recipe  makes approximately four dozen cookies depending on how big you make them and how much cookie dough you eat prior to baking. The recipe halves easily if that seems like too many to you. Alternatively, they freeze well.

If you make them, I hope you enjoy them.



  1. Cookie dough is totally a food group!!! R x

  2. I agree with Rachel! Those cookies look delicious...I'll have to check my baking cupboard to see if I have all the ingredients!

  3. The best lunch someone can have ... and I can't stand people posting chocolate and cookies in lent *gg* How hard can it be to resist and NOT make the cookies today ....

  4. Hmmm they do look good. Cant I get you and the girls to test GF cookie recipes for me?!

  5. Yep.
    I made some oatmeal cookies this week, they didnt last very long!
    Happy weekend x

  6. Yes, cookie dough is quite important in the food pyramid. And with the fiber from oatmeal and protein in eggs, I would say it's a perfect lunch;)

  7. Yes, it's a food group! Yes, the oatmeal makes them healthy and yes, I'm going to try these. Well I might get junior chef to try them actually, as he's been asking about cookies and I said he should try your other recipe which was great before. Now that we've had several batches of muffins I think it's time to move on to cookies for building his repertoire! Off to print this one out for him now. Thanks - glad you had a nice lunch!

  8. I think to be fully nutritious you would need a dolop of ice cream on top too!

  9. Of course it is! I've been avoiding eating dough at moment but am still happily able to munch away on cookies! Thanks for the recipe x

  10. It's been a food group in my world since I was a wee nipper, my Mom introduced me to this group maaaaany years ago!
    Looks like I'm making cookies this weekend...again ;D Thanks for the recipe.

  11. They look lush and surely the oatmeal counts as one of your 5 a day? ;-)

  12. They do look lovely, and i would think about making some, or I could just put in my order for a week on Thursday and keep my fingers crossed!

  13. I am doing my Lenten fast bit, but will definitely save this one for later. Oatmeal is definitely good for your heart and chocolate is certainly medicinal, plus coconut oil is good for the skin (we will forget the desiccated bit) so you are helping heart, soul and skin - I think these count as a superfood.

    Two technical queries - is it porridge oats or actual ground oatmeal, and is semi sweet chocolate plain or milk?

    I am sitting here sadly eating an apple with my cup of tea. Not the same at all.

    Pomona x

  14. definitely a food group. and didn't I hear that chocolate is a vegetable? I was going to make granola bars this weekend, but I might have to make these instead. have a great weekend.

  15. Oh, the temptation! This would definitely be my sons' favourite way to eat oatmeal. ;o)

  16. Yum! Definitely trying these!

  17. Thanks for the laugh. My friend and I are meeting at the movies in the morning at 11. I asked if 11 was too early to have popcorn. She said that no, it wasn't, because it contains fiber. I have no idea if it's true or not, but I will accept any justification I can get to eat popcorn at the movies or cookies fresh out of the oven.

  18. Nice lunch - yo could also chuck in a handful of glacee cherries and call them one of your 5-a-day!!

  19. YUM - those look truly delicious! Nothing beats a good Choc Chip Cookie.. or two.. or four.. ;-)

  20. Eddie Izzard on cake batter. You should go look it up if you've never seen it.
    And cookie dough is the same. It most definitely is a food group along with Love Hearts and anything called Sensation.

  21. Most definitely a food group. Four dozen? That's wishful thinking around here. I'd probably be lucky to bake 12.

  22. Of course it's a food group :-) Thanks for reprinting the recipe - I have tasted your choc chip cookies and they are preeeeety good!

  23. Susan, I didn't feel like making your cookies today (I quite dislike making cookies now) but I tried your lemon cake...... OMG, it is so absolutely delicious!!!!!! I really appreciated that your recipe was in Canadian, too. Thanks so much for sharing. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

  24. I think they are in the "Feel Good" food group:)

  25. Well, to be serious- no, no chance at all of that- you have protein, fibre, carbohydrate, anti-oxidants ( or did they fallout on the floor?) so what is missing? Oh the fruit and veg- well hadleys glace cherries would put that right. Excellent healthy lunch, I reckon.

    Must try this recipe soon- My choc chip cookie recipe is missing those oats!

  26. Cookie dough is totally a food group and meal substitute

  27. OK Some added cherries might be the fruit option...but have you thought of glace Ginger?... that has to be the vegetable option. Definitely passes the Food Police now!
    I'm off to ferret around the pantry... yum.

  28. I think cookie dough is the largest food group at the bottom of the food pyramid. These look delicious.

  29. No, dear Susan cookie dough is not a food group of itself despite your attempt to convince us otherwise! Stay in after school to clean up the home ec. room!

  30. I'll live vicariously through your stomach and enjoy these cookies. Eat one for me, or two or three.

  31. Well, yeah, cookie dough is a food group. Just like Pringles are. They look delish! I fancy baking tomorrow, now...

  32. Cookie dough encompasses everything from the other food groups that's worth really should become the 6th food group to have a chance to shine all on it's own.

    NONE of that cookie dough would make it to the cooked cookie stage round here!


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