Thursday 17 January 2013

Stitch Teasing

I am a member of Stitch Tease - And International Mystery Quilt Bee. What this means is that over a period of one year we are each making a strip or large block for each other but the recipient does not get to see their blocks until they receive their completed quilt top, scheduled for April.

I am very behind in my blocks but working on redeeming myself. I have now completed Hadley's strip block and I can't show you. Well, other than a heavily pixilated version - and some sneaky peeks for Hadley. She wanted a scrappy strip in blues, aquas, teals, greens, greys and oranges. With a few squares of white thrown in the mix so your eye had something to rest on. She may have mentioned Heather Ross fabrics in a less than subtle hint. I hope I have produced something to her liking, though I won't find out until it is too late.

Meanwhile we are enjoying a nice long cold snap by UK standards. It is neither hugely cold nor a long period by my reckoning (that's the Canadian in me sneaking out), and I am loving it. I only wish it had happened before Christmas. I would have loved that to get me in the mood. Everywhere outside is covered in a heavy frost and it is beautiful. The tress,  hedgerows, fields, everywhere. It makes me smile as I drive the girls to school. I've tried to photograph it but have failed to capture the true beauty.

It is supposed to start snowing again during the night. I am going to do a grocery shop before today's school run and then cross my fingers that the girls get a snow day tomorrow, and I get a sew day.



  1. Ooh snow day sew day, sounds great!
    Looks like we both spent the morning on picmonkey?

  2. I've got blue sky at the back of the house and snow clouds rolling towards me at the front...have fun with the grocery shop, don't forget the chocolate!

  3. If there's a snow day I want to put my request in now that I get to stay off work tomorrow and sew...we're supposed to be visiting family this weekend though so I want a heatwave to melt it all on saturday AM so we can get to the motorway safely ;)

    That row looks lovely, even heavily pixelated. I can tell, I really really can!

  4. We have had snow all night which is nice since yesterday a lot melted. Your pictures are so pretty, and I hope that you get your snow day.

  5. Can't wait to get home and have a long walk in the snow

  6. Glad you like it! Hope the girls get some snow to mess about in too.

  7. I did our shop this morning in preparation too..along with the rest of the world! I was mega busy!!

  8. Beautiful. I hope you get your snow.

  9. Loving the sneak peeks. And the snow pictures are lovely too. No sign of snow here yet but we are promised some in the morning, we shall see!

  10. I'm pretty sure Hadley will love this.

  11. I'm sure Hadders will love what you've done for her. It's snowing here. Only a few flakes drifting down. But thought it might get you excited :-)

  12. Great sneak, peak...... No snow here!

  13. Ooooh, looks like fun, enjoy the snow!

  14. It looks absolutely beautiful where you are - I am very envious. I love your strip and I've seen the non-pixelated version!!

  15. Happy happy me - and I filled the cupboards after work...just in case I fancy being house-bound all weekend!

  16. Cold and frosty here too. It is rather bracing! Di x

  17. Looks like a winter wonderland! Enjoy.

  18. I am pretty sure you ae going to get that sew day, I just wish the snow would bypass London!

  19. So far we have missed the snow, thankfully (says the woman that walks to work!) but it might be coming tomorrow...

  20. I love you pictures - how lucky are you to have snow, we only have heat and fires, dry hot humid to love an Aussie summer!

  21. Ha, a snow day/sew day! Perfect!

  22. It's snowing here in Hampshire, we're hoping for a snow/sew day too! :-)

  23. I hope you get your white wishes tomorrow! Jxo

  24. That gnome is too cute! Cant wait to see it all "properly" as i like that spread of colours on the pixie version.

  25. Your photos of the snow are gorgeous. You have absolutely captured the beauty :-) At least for this little girl - living in North Queensland, I'm not anticipating snow anytime soon, so I will sit here and sigh over your photos and think cold thoughts :-)
    E xx

  26. I hope you got a snow day. Hadley's quilt strip is lovely. I've seen it in real photos.

  27. Love that little gnome! And snow sounds like a good excuse to stay indoor and sew - would also love to see some here to cool it down a bit!

  28. keep warm Susan, perfect sewing weather! Are the girls off or in school?

  29. oh you lucky thing we have none! like your wee teasers of your strip! x

  30. Certainly looks pretty in your part of the world.

  31. Even with it pixelated the strip for Hadley looks fabulous.
    Crossing my fingers for you to have a snow/sew day, while I melt in the heat and humidity here.


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