Saturday 19 January 2013


I am very contented today. It's a good feeling.

* I slept until 8:30am. Very rare for me.

* I lay in bed reading for another hour or more. Bliss.

* The snow was still here, and I didn't have to go anywhere. Emily's dance class was cancelled. Phew!

* Hot chocolate - made by the girls. And foodie reading whilst drinking it.

* The lovely smell of a chicken roasting in the oven.

* Time to play with fabric, move bits around, contemplate, and move bits around some more.

* All the laundry and ironing is done for the weekend.

* Sewing time.

Yes, I am very contented today. You?



  1. What a lovely day! Mine busy day is just starting but I did get to sleep in until 8:30 as well.

  2. Me,too! I'm going to turn off the sewing machine now, I'm content with my sewing project. Have a lovely weekend!

  3. Now that sounds more like it!!!
    I'm running around like an idiot trying to get everything done and organized - But I'm getting there and I may well designate Sunday a day of rest - except for the 3 hour yoga workshop and 10 coming for dinner!

  4. Not as nice as your day... Basket tournament, bad coffee, no quilting says it all.

  5. Thanks for the reminder. I should be that way too. Slept til 8:30 too. maybe there's a connection. I do have plans out of the house, but there's no reason to not be content.

  6. Actually I'm quite contented too - toy sorting and spending time with Z. Your day sounds idyllic.

  7. I just quilted my #scrappytriplong, so I have now lost the use of my shoulders, but a trip to the park this morning followed by hot chocolate got me enough brownie points for an uninterrupted afternoon!

    Cub presentation tomorrow already cancelled, so it's turning out to be a good weekend here too!

  8. Surely you must be wired from all the sugar in that mug? Where do you even start consuming something that looks like that? You have given those girls your sweet tooth in spades!

  9. Yeah Susan ! You are worth it!

    Our kids are at friends, the dog asleep and hubby cooking - no reason to complain...!

  10. we just happen to have marshmallows and whooshy cream...u temptress need to get up off settee now to make it.
    Very similar day here including lie in, reading book, coffee in bed, sewing and washing drying, chicken dinner too but without the snow,:) tomorrow we're due 15cms so will be getting cold, wet and having to dry yukky outdoor clothes...#hate snow
    Have a great sunday

  11. That sounds like a lovely day, part of me can't wait until C gets a bit older and can get herself breakfast and entertain herself more in the day so I can potter about and do some sewing in the day! Although we had a fab time sledging down Beacon Hill (and I managed to spin the car in the road, accidentally- new underwear please!!) : )

  12. Swap you... lol I've been quilting. I'd forgotten that I dont actually like quilting... So much wrestling. Phooey. Just want to piece another top!!

  13. Sounds like two days in a row for you! Happy times. My day started off slowly and I am just now getting going. Just a quick vacuum of the stairs and I'm headed up to sew. It's 10:15 am...

  14. Sounds wonderful! I've had two lovely walks in the snow today...gorgeous!

  15. What a lovely day. I have had a good day too. I am a happy bunny.

  16. Looking forward to seeing that quilt you're working on! My day thus far has been spent fabric shop hopping, bliss!

  17. I have had a nice day too. Got up a little later than a weekday. Out to the farm shop and a coffee with hubby and sewing this afternoon. Bliss. Di x

  18. I am definitely teaching baby MiH to make one of those hot chocolates as soon as he can reach the cupboards!

  19. Sounds blissful! Sadly I'm still uncontent :(

  20. sounds like a lovely day! Don't suppose there's any more of that hot chocolate?

  21. mmmm that hot chocolate looks might fine! had a lovely day here but so far no sewing so not so contented at the moment.

  22. Sounds wonderful! Waking up(early as usual!) to an 'odd' Sunday here! Mr. is off on holiday for eight days while I stay home! Hoping for some sewing time but not sure what I'll eat! Thank goodness I have plenty of 'Christmas' chocolate! Lol!

  23. Goodness, the whole country seems to shut down over a little snow! I am glad you are having a great snow weekend.

  24. Your day sounds divine! Good on you for enjoying it. :)

  25. Birthday for my now 9 year old son, need I say more? :)

  26. Ha, yes, that does look like hot chocolate made by the girls :oD

    Glad you had a contented day, I couldn't get to sleep last night til about 2 am because I was so cold (just my head, because that's by the window that lets freezing cold air in through its terrible 'seals') then I got wrenched from sleep about 7am when our neighbour, who's a workman of some kind, decided to head out to do a homer, and slammed and banged and rummaged as noisily as he could through his van for about half an hour before clearing out again. Then I needed the loo, so I went and was getting nicely settled again, telling myself I could ignore the sound of the elephant-like grace of the kids next door, when the phone rang. It was a courier with the first of 2 parcels I was due for the day, so I directed him in, signed for it and though eff it, I'll just stay up then, which was a good thing, as the next courier arrived 10 minutes later. Was sooo tempted to go back to bed, but then the flatmate was up and packing and that was the end of that! I have spent my day packing up his kitchen stuff and seriously deep cleaning it, then doing some rearranging, plus shifting some of his stuff out to the landing so his mate could take it down to the van. I'm hoping tomorrow will be more peaceful, I can lie in, and do some sewing!!! He's still not totally out though, so I'm sure I'll get diverted at some point...

  27. Man! Look at that hot chocolate - wowza, send your girls here please. Glad you ar sounding so happy and content, that is really nice. Hope it continues for you :)

  28. Me? Up at 7pm. Out the door at 8.30am. Dropped one at netball tournament, another at cello. Picked back up. In house for 45 mins. One out to cello, another to 11+ tutoring (ssshh, don't tell anyone), pick up, back in house for30 mins. Out to theatre for dancing dress rehearsals for four chuffin hours. Not allowed to get hand sewing out as 'it's embarrassing mum.' Just got back in door. Think yr day was slightly better.

  29. Ha ha, did you want some hot chocolate with your marshmallows and cream! That looks divine. Contented days are very good days

  30. An 8.30 sleep in? What's that ? Glad it happened to you because it sounds like bliss.

    In fact your whole day sounds just about perfect.

    Off to make some hot chocolate now...If I cant find marshmallows I can always steal some out of the brown sugar container.They;re in there to keep the sugar soft but Im sure they wont mind being re-purposed for the greater good.

  31. Well....glad you are but i am working on my day off!

  32. Gordon Bennet - there are enough mallows in that HC to sink the Titanic! Have you seen the giant ones you can buy now? Half the HC spills out when you put one in the mug!!! Hilarious! Jxo

  33. Good to hear, I hope Sunday is like that too for you.

  34. Ah, a great day :) So good you enjoyed it.
    My Saturday was a very lazy one, and the end result of it was my first ever Tilda bunny.

  35. I'm still in bed....with a hot chocolate, no marshmallows, but v content.

  36. Sounds like a productive and relaxing day. Perfect!

  37. I'm sure I can hear you purrrrring from here! ;) x


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