Thursday 3 January 2013

Height Disadvantage

Everything required for a photo shoot was in place. Blue sky. Yup! Child to wield the camera. Yup! Finished quilt top. Most definitely! Adult with wide enough arm span to properly hold the quilt up to show it to its full glory. Um, no!

Well, we can't have it all. Never mind. To the best of Emily's and my ability here is the completed Salt Air quilt top, glowing in the sunshine.

It measures 60" x 66". I will need to piece a back. I have an idea in mind already. All I need is a man back to work and both children in school. They don't half distract you from getting things done.

And on that note, I have promised Em some time on the Wii together. I have a feeling I am about to be beat, again.



  1. You may be vertically challenged but the loveliness of this quilt manages to shine through! Loving the colour code in the border - great touch!

  2. You could have stepped on a chair to get bigger :D
    Oh I love those three little squares on the bottom. It looks great!

    Can't wait for school either :)

  3. Oooh nice! What's this for then? The man of the house?

  4. This is lovely, uncomplicated, but beautiful in it's simplicity, what fabric line is it, it's really sunny! : )

  5. Love the quilt. Just wait until the man is retired .... distraction is putting it mildly. ;D

  6. Just look at that beauty in the sunshine, it's gorgeous. :)

  7. It looks wonderful and there you are out in the sun with shadows and all. I am looking too at the green grass, none of that at my house right now.

  8. Personally I'd be worried if you did have the arm span to hold that GORGEOUS quilt, so it's all good! Love the fabrics in that quilt!

  9. Oh what a lovely quilt. The borders are an inspired finish to the top. Is this for someone in particular?

  10. Oh what a lovely quilt. The borders are an inspired finish to the top. Is this for someone in particular?

  11. Oh what a lovely quilt. The borders are an inspired finish to the top. Is this for someone in particular?

  12. It looks fabulous Susan, its come together perfectly

  13. Love it! Specially like the squares in the white border, sooo cool. Lovely, well done.

  14. I love those little squares in the borders as well. It's looking wonderful.

  15. Lovely! I particularly like the squares in the border!

  16. Lovely! I particularly like the squares in the border!

  17. Looks fab! I think I have a charm pack of this fabric I'd forgotten about!

  18. Seriously.....I am locking myself in my sewing room this weekend....they can slide food under the door!

  19. It's fabulous Susan, love your choice of colours and I too love the square detail in the bottom border. What a great start to 2013!

  20. Gorgeous!
    Love the squares - might be borrowing that idea, thank you xxx

  21. Lovely quilt, those wee squares in the borders take it into a whole different league, filing that idea away too.

  22. That is a really neat idea with the little blocks on the boarder. Sometimes I buy extra fabric because I hate piecing boarders. That would save alot of material. Thanks for the idea.

  23. Gorgeous quilt top! What is it with kids and their uncanny knack of beating parents on the wii? Every. Single. Time.

  24. Lol, my parents had a similar problem trying to display their Christmas quilt - 5'10" one side, 5' the other ;o) Looking fab though, and like the selvedge effect with the wee squares in the border

  25. Oh Wii time! Fun, can I come and play!? Love the quilt top! I especially love the little blocks in the borders! Beautiful!

  26. Love those fabrics! And your quilt top is gorgeous! Glad you had some blue skies today! jxo

  27. Beautiful quilt - I love the little blocks in the sashing!

  28. pretty quilt. Is J any better? When do the girls return to school, next week? That's when ours go back too.

  29. Gorgeous top Susan, with your usual touch of genius in the borders. wow.

  30. Oh gosh that is beautiful Susan. Love your design and those little squares in the border are perfect. This is my favourite of your quilts so far this year,lol.

  31. Showoff ...flaunting a finish already.

    It's lovely and the wee arms holding it did a brilliant job!

  32. When did you whip this one up?? It's a lovely quilt and it's still sunny in the Midlands!!

  33. Love the simple yet stunning design! I have a fq bundle of this fabric - thinking to use it for baby quilts. But looking at your quilt, I think it could very well be suited for a quilt for me...

  34. Beautiful quilt. Well done.

    What game are you playing on the Wii?


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