Saturday 17 March 2012

The Three P's

I sewed today. I got the remaining blocks for Stained Pink Colourful pieced together. I would happily do more. Really I would. But due to my Piss Poor Planning I can't.

I do have a order in for more Aurifil, but I haven't received it yet. There goes the weekend sewing plans. Puh!

I'll show you what I have accomplished. Ten more blocks, and I am all ready to start piecing the quilt top together just as soon as the thread arrives. Fingers crossed that will be Monday. Please!

I went out to take the photos and the sun went in. Typical. Of all the photos I took, I preferred this one the most, when the blocks were half unpegged.

And that's my Saturday. Other than the swimming lessons, and the dance lesson - from which Emily came out glowing because she got the Honours in her Grade One Modern Exam, the highest level you can get. A happy child is a happy mother.

I hope you all have a fantastic St Patrick's Day. And I hope my fifty year old brother is enjoying his birthday.



  1. You have a brother HOW old???? ;-P

    Really, really loving your stained...

  2. Yeah for honours in dance. Love those what will you do the rest of the weekend with no thread and brother far can't even have a piece of his birthday cake!

  3. I love that you have a younger brother to tease!
    Great stains x

  4. Now I remember something about perle cottons, maybe you could do some other stitching. If you lived down the road I would run you over some thread, but I guess you cannot just knock on every neighbour's door to borrow a spool of thread as easily as a cup of sugar. I know, make a cake to celebrate your brother's ancientness.

  5. Hehe Hadley!

    Great blocks - now I want to see how they look together!

  6. Oh and excellent work Emily - you are a star!

  7. Oh we have brothers with the same birthdays!! Love your blocks - sit back, relax and....drum your fingers?

  8. This is looking fantastic!!!!!!

  9. Still loving the colorful blocks, can't wait to see the finished quilt. Tell Emily congrats on the dance honors.

  10. I really hate the running out of thread thing! Happens to me all the time.
    Well done to Emily, and well done to you - your stained blocks look great!

  11. Boo to evaporating thread ('cos it must have been that rather than your planning ;o) ). Your blocks look great though.

    Congrats to Emily, and happy birthday to big bro!

  12. great blocks, you have done loads. I have been hand quilting all day whilst watching the rugby: absolute bliss

  13. Man...if your brother is THAT old are you? hehehehe oh, I know...older than me!!!!

  14. They look wonderful :)
    Huge congratulations Emily! well done!

  15. Well done Emily!

    Boo to running out of thread (it always surprises me quite how quickly a reel of thread seems to run out, so I feel your pain)

  16. Ha Hadley, lol!!!!!
    Bummer about running out of thread, but your blocks look magnificent hanging on the line.
    Congratulations to Emily, that's fabulous.

  17. Yum! (blocks) and Bum! (thread shortage). Fingers crossed for Monday delivery. Hope your bro likes his pressie.

  18. I've had to delete a whole comment as I can't possibly tease you like I intended after you've been so nice to me, sob!!
    Huge congrats to Emily, she must dance beautifully!

  19. LMAO at Hadley. She is a brave woman!

    Congrats girls :)

  20. I have been watching my spool of aurifil as it gets smaller and smaller. There is a quilt show this week, Thursday and I know that I can buy more there. I just hope I make it! I love your blocks!

  21. Congratulations to Emily!! We had a 6P saying when I was in the army - "Prior Planning Prevents P--s Poor Performance" :)

  22. lol that's why I buy massive cones of thread now :) Lovely blocks! And Well Done Emily!

  23. Well done Emily!! I know how good you have to be to get an honours in a grade exam (I've taken a few in my time but that's a story for another day!) so I know you must be a wonderful dancer who also works hard - congratulations! Susan, I love your blocks (pity about the thread - maybe it's taken the long way round?!) and can't wait to see them pieced together! Hope your brother is enjoying hitting the half century - did he like the cushion?!

  24. Gorgeous blocks and well done Emily.

  25. Way to go Emily!

    Love those blocks Susan. Doesn't it shit you when you have a project you're itching to do and supplies hold you up. (oops did I say a swear word out loud ?)

    Happy birthday to your brother. Do you think he'll stay awake long enough to enjoy it?

  26. Love your glorious blocks! Hey, my brother is sixty!!!! How the heck did that happen?


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