Friday 10 June 2011

Finally! A Use for Ugly Fabrics

Another day of production for me. Not sure why but I seem to have got a bee in my bonnet about doing these HSTs and once I started yesterday I have not been able to stop. So today I pieced them all together - in the original design I intended but I also mean to make more of these triangles and then more of the various combinations that I came up with.

I am inordinately pleased with myself because this is pretty good for me. I really worked hard to make all those little points actually have points. And though it is not perfect I am more than happy with the job I did.

There was a quick break for lunch - which was a treat as John was home and we went out. Woohoo! Then it was back to take this cushion cover to the next step and I made another happy discovery - for me - today. I finally have a use for my 'ugly fabric'. Now I know there is a saying out there in quilting land about there being no ugly fabric but I beg to differ. Back in my early quilting days I thought it was very clever of me to take advantage of those Internet deals you would come across where you could get 25 fat quarters for $25. What a deal! Yes, it was a very good deal, but you were letting someone else choose your fabric. There in lay the problem. They seemed to have a great fondness for dusty, dusky pink fabrics. Or should I say they had an excess of it in stock and muggins here got the bulk of it in her orders.

There is ugly fabric and I have yet to come across a project I have wanted to use these in -

And if you want to argue and say that you love the above fabrics I will give them to you. Gratis! Free! Without cost even for the shipping - anywhere in the world. Just say the word. You can have them. All I ask in return is a photo of how you turned that fabric into a beautiful quilt. And I know everyone has different likes so I would probably love the quilt you made with it. It just wouldn't be for me.

But I have found a use for my ugly fabric - don't worry, I have more so if you want those fat quarters they are still in the stash untouched. But when you are making pillows you do need fabric for the backing that will never be seen. It will be in the pillow interior. So enter today's backing fabric. It looks pretty innocuous but there is some sun damage and I do have to much of it. But not as much now!

A quick baste and I got quilting. I straight line quilted on either side of every seam. This is the result -

I am more than happy with myself. And I would love to stay and chat but I just looked at the clock. I am helping with Brownies tonight and I have to go, well I had to go five minutes ago. Arrrgghhh! And off I go...



  1. I don't think those fabrics are ugly! You can send them to me and I will happily pay the postage! I tyhink they would look lovely with white in a baby girl's quilt! Prety please :)

  2. And your HSTs are gorgeous by the way!

  3. Love your HST's very pretty indeed :-)

  4. it looks really good, and very, very neat !!

  5. Great job on the HSTs Susan!

  6. I love those fabrics too! There's something cute and ditsy about them. Love how your hsts have turned out and the quilting is perfect. You must have worked like a demon today! Well done! Jxo

  7. Another idea! Maybe we should have an UGLY FABRIC SWAP - cos clearly what is ugly to one person is lovely to someone else - go figure! Jxo

  8. Great job on the HST's, they look fab! :o) I agree with you regarding the dusty pinks!

  9. Me me me!!*leaps off chair with hand in the air*`s a challenge and I`m always up for one and I have no LQS and I`ll take a lovely photo in the sun and and please...I LOVE your quilt and as I said yesterday I love that design and your quilting is super. What a pro you are. Hope Brownies was fun.

  10. Love your HSTs, they look great. I hear ya on the ugly fabric although I have a fondness for pink so I don't think they're too bad! But cushion backing is a great use :-)

  11. The quilt looks amazing! I love green and your piecing is just perfection!

  12. Thats a lovely lovely quilt and I'm very impressed with your points!

  13. Your green triangle points are AMAZING!

  14. Love this HST's but I'm with you on the fabric. Not so much ugly, just a bit old fashioned. Chinzy even. O could buy loads of this stuff locally. But I like Judith's idea of an ugly fabric swap. It'd be quite entertaining seeing what we all have hidden away


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