Saturday 15 August 2015

Annual Migration

Every summer the girls and I leave himself in the middle of England and head north for our annual migration. This summer that also has meant a slight lacking of wifi as well. So I'm going to catch you up on a bit that's been going on. 

First up, we had to stop to see Helen (and Archie the Wonderdog) because we like to do that, always enjoy ourselves and it would be silly not to.

The girls, as you can see, are comfortable enough at Helen's to treat her house entirely like their own. 

The summer in England has been a bit dodgy this year but the northeast broke out some lovely sunshine to welcome us. The first day we were there we went into town and started filling food cravings that are not so easily filled in the middle of England, unless we make it ourselves. 

Then the sun continued to shine and we got on with enjoying the coast. 

If you've been reading my blog over any time period you will know that Tynemouth is one of my most favourite places in the world. So we spent lots of time there. Including a day spent in the Priory watching knights at battle. 

The girls got totally into the spirit of things cheering on their chosen teams. It really was a good day out. 

And we found the benefit of being in a wifi free zone at my Mum's house. I had packed embroidery supplies for the trip. The girls dove in with gusto. And I've since had to buy copious a,punts of more floss and hoops it may be said. But the results are worth the expense.

Emily stitched the rabbit using a panel I got at one of the FQ Retreats. Helen designed the bunting one herself. It has been so nice seeing them make something. We need more wifi free holidays! 



  1. Looks like a fantastic break. Your girls are growing up into beautiful young women.......and very talented with their needlework too!

  2. Gorgeous girls, good stitchers too! x

  3. Can't believe how grown up your girls are looking! Gorgeous stitching too! Enjoy the rest of your time up north! Jxo

  4. really impressed by their stitching. At their age I was making yet another lazy daisy placemat for a dressing table

  5. So nice that the weather cooperated. Looks like very fun times. Your girls are quite talented -- probably worth giving up wifi every so often just to remind us of the things we can do without it.

  6. How lovely to have girls who want to sew. Looks like a great road trip.x

  7. Beautiful embroidery work! Sounds like a great holiday.

  8. Looks like you had a wonderful time. The girls embroidery is fabulous... 😀 x

  9. Looks like you had a wonderful time. The girls embroidery is fabulous... 😀 x

  10. It was great to see you and I can't wait for your return visit! Love the girls' embroidery!

  11. Lovely holiday with your girls.


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