Friday 12 December 2014

Memory Lane

I did sew all morning, but I thought I would give the blogging about what I made a break. Because the rest of the day I spent sorting through boxes, making hard decisions about what to keep and what to bin. I've been a bit of a hoarder of some things over the years - in particular letters I've received. Today I looked at lots of them, and binned the vast majority, but I did make sure I sorted out ones that are important to me emotionally like the last letter written to me by my grandfather, etc.

These boxes hadn't been opened in years and contained a mishmash of things. I ended up spending almost seven hours smiling to myself and reminiscing internally. It was a good way to spend an afternoon whilst still getting something constructive done.

Despite thinking that all our photographs were in one box, kept elsewhere in the house, I came across a number in these boxes.

There was the me that used to travel the world viewing the terracotta soldiers in Xian, China. And enjoying a party in the wardroom on the ship one Christmas.

There were also photos of the girls. Helen learning to crawl. And Emily giving me big eyes.

Then there were the items from my childhood.

Brownie badges, Girl Guide badges (still on my sash), swimming badges, etc. And all my old report cards. Now they certainly made interesting reading. I think I fell into the 'could try harder' category back then.

There were also really disparate items. The unofficial hospital card that is the only item I have to show me that I had a twin brother once, long ago. I've never seen a photo of him. I don't think one exists. He died of cot death at three weeks of age. I hid his name here. Somehow that seemed private to me. He's part of our family history, not a sad part any more, just a life that should not be forgotten.

And how about my cassette of the top hits in the autumn of 1984, made for me by my then boyfriend when I was over here in the UK working for a while. Just goes to show I was a Canadian Abroad even thirty years ago.

Some things never change apparently.



  1. OK, that boy gave you the Flying Picketts, I hope you dumped him!! Other than that, priceless memories xxx

    What is going on with your thumb???? Gangrene?

  2. You are a brave soul, going through the box at the holidays and all, thank you for sharing.

  3. So lovely. These are the memories that make us who we are. The pictures of your girls are precious. Life is good and interesting and history is important!

  4. I love having days like that. I still have a big box in my garage to go through but it needs time. The mix tape is priceless :)

  5. This is amazing! So now I go over to the other room, get off the fabrics and bring the box in the living room to be finally unpacked! It is there since we moved some years ago and is just filled with pictures (and spiders I think)! What a wonderful journey you had :)

  6. my husband used to make me mix tapes too! I destroyed the best one though, he had talked through it, and was terrified of anybody finding it and laughing at him. The worries of youth! Why was he worried about seeming soppy? And, why on earth did I destroy it after listening?

  7. Such lovely pictures of your girls.

  8. Love love love the pictures. i see a lot of you in Emily from that picture of you in the wardroom at Christmas. Thanks for sharing your memories.

  9. Trips down memory lane can be fun. Oh the joy of a mix tape made for you by someone special.

  10. Great photos and memories. I can totally see the girls in those pictures.

  11. It's nice to take a trip down memory lane occasionally :o)

  12. Amazing how the girls look like their current selves in those photos. Incredible! Love the photo of you at the Christmas party too. Hilarious :)

  13. Wonderful photos and memories, Susan! What a nice way to spend an afternoon!

  14. What sweet memories! Your girls look exactly the same, both beauties.


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