Monday 3 February 2014

Cushion Cloning

Last March I made this cushion. I loved it, but I had meant it to be a gift for a very good friend of mine right from the start. It duly went to live in its new home and is - reportedly - well loved there.

Then in December I got asked to make another one. Not for the same person. The new one can be seen here.

I don't actually have my copy of the magazine yet. I have shamelessly nicked these photos from my friend's IG account. I was too excited to wait until I had my own copy to tell you. Friday, when the issue came out, my stomach flipflopped like it was possessed, but I had to calm down a bit before I could string a sentence together to tell you all.

The best bit about being in this issue of Love Patchwork & Quilting is that I am in there with some of my very best quilting friends, and four of them are my Brit Bee pals. Hadley, Fiona, and Laura Jane all have projects in this issue. And Trudi is the quilting goddess on some the best projects you will see in this magazine. It is so good to be able to share in this adventure together.



  1. Congratulations! How exciting for you! I hope that I am able to get a copy of this magazine in Canada.

  2. Congratulations :) I got my copy on Friday and recognised it as yours straight away!

  3. I was hardly waiting for this post when I first heard you are in a magazin! congrats! The cushion is gorgeous!!!!

  4. Woohoo! You're even a cover girl too!

  5. congrats! it seems you are ahead of the curve since I'm seeing those economy blocks in recent blog posts.

  6. And it looks like you are on the cover too! Congrats supertar!

  7. Congratulations, that is awesome. I'm still trying to track down this magazine where I live.

  8. Congratulations covergirl! I hope you'll still talk us plebs ;) xx

  9. Congratulations!, you are a Top Quilter now!

  10. It looks fantastic! Congrats!

  11. how wonderful is that congrats to you !!!

  12. It's such a lovely cushion, and super on trend at the moment too!! Well done you, must be awesome to see your work in print xxx

  13. Congratulations Mrs! Looking forward to getting a copy this week, and then I can see your fab cushion in all it's glory, alongside so many other talented UK quilters. Well deserved :o)

  14. Well done Susan, it's a beautiful cushion.

  15. Congrats to all of you, gotta love a little HR goodness!

  16. Congratulations! I "know" someone famous now! Will be heading off to tesco to buy the magazine!

  17. Yay! Congratulations Susan! I love your cushion! xxx

  18. Well done - you are famous now! I love that you are published and that I can say I knew you before! Congrats!!!

  19. Congratulations - would love to see a copy of this magazine in New Zealand one day.

  20. Woo hoo - You got the cover - I got the backside! xxx

  21. Congrats, what a great achievement. You must be so excited.

  22. Good stuff waiting for the magazine to get down under don't miss an issue fab magazine! All the best Maggie.

  23. Whoooooooo Hooooooooooo. Thats such awesome news. Im so excited for you!

  24. Congratulations Susan, that's awesome!

  25. Thats such a special bit of fun in your life! Fabulous and congrats to you and the other gals. And the cushion IS adorable!

  26. Congratulations!! How wonderful for you!!

  27. How fantastic! I wish we could get it easily in Australia, it looks like an amazing issue!

  28. Congratulations on your inclusion in the mag, Susan! Tell me, was there a little 'renumeration' for your contribution? Just curious! (tell me to mind my own business.....:-))

  29. Congrats!!! My copy came the other day and I love it. I think that along with the firs tissue it has to be the best yet.

  30. Yipee! So excited for you, Susan. This pillow is one of my all time favourites. All that HR cuteness in one pillow is perfection.

  31. I was so excited when I saw your name in print. Did you start the whole Economy block thing then??

  32. I'm amazed that you kept so quiet about this for so's fabulous to see you in print, hope I can find a copy....breaking my magazine diet!

  33. Oh well done Susan, what a fabulous achievement!

  34. IT IS GORGEOUS! Perfectly you and fab for the readers of this magazine. I'm delighted for you!!!

  35. Yay, congrats! It is a lovely cushion.

  36. Big congratulations Susan - it's a beautiful cushion, and an issue crammed full of fabulous projects x

  37. That is so exciting! Way to go and it's stinkin' cute.

  38. Congratulations Susan. How exciting it must be to be published in a magazine. Will you still talk to us?!!

  39. Congrats! I understand why I have seen so many pictures of that issue on IG now!

  40. So proud of you!!! Just remember us lowly peeps when you become a fully fledged quilting rock star! The cushion is beautiful - well done you.

  41. On the cover no less! Llongyfarchiadau - it's well deserved, it's a beautiful cushion x

  42. I am cheering and applauding like a proud big sister!

  43. Saluting your magnificence darl xxxx

  44. Congratulations Susan! Always loved that cushion. It's the one that inspired a baby quilt I made in July.


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