Thursday 28 March 2013

The Big Reveal is Almost Here

For one year now I have been in the Stitch Tease - An International Mystery Quilt Bee. There are eight of us under the auspices of our Queen Bee Di - Random Thoughts of Do or Di. The brief was we each make a block or strip for a quilt we would like to have and then the others would make a block or strip to go with it.

The hitch was we wouldn't get to see the blocks being made during the year. They were sent to someone else in the bee and that person would piece them into a quilt top and send them to the intended person at the end of the bee year.

Well, that time has arrived and eight quilt tops are now in the hands of the postal system making their way to five different countries on three different continents. I pieced Di's quilt top and it has been sent. Soon, very very soon if the postal people do their job, Di will see this quilt top.

Only she will finally see the unpixelated version. The only bit she can see clearly in the photo above is from her original block so no big surprises revealed there.

I am pretty sure she will love it. I do.



  1. oooh! I love this kind of swap xx

  2. I can't wait to see all the quilt tops!

  3. This is v exciting! Can't wait to see!

  4. This is v exciting! Can't wait to see!

  5. oh, you sneaky B. Every other pixilated photo I could sort of figure out what it was, but you have me so confused and now my poor postman will think I am a stalker. Instead of running down when I hear his truck I will be camping at the mail box.
    love you!!!!

  6. Such an amazing swap! I bet you cannot wait to see yours!

  7. Oh I know she's going to love it!!

  8. I'm sure you'll all get wonderful quilts :-)

  9. This is very exciting, looking forward to you being able to share the whole thing.

  10. This is one I have watched with envy, but I am excited to see the final tops! Was Di's based on a garden theme, from memory???

  11. Poor Di - no hints at all about the t*****!

  12. I am guessing there could be tears when this one gets opened!!! We did good, and you finished it up perfectly!

  13. I can't wait to see all of these revealed

  14. Looking forward to the big reveal!

  15. Do we get to see all the quilts?

  16. ooh, fun! What a great idea :o)

  17. Ah you girls have teased us long enough! Jxo

  18. It's getting quite uncomfortable perching on the edge of my seat here, hurry up mr postie!

  19. This has definitely been a tease. Look forward to th reveal. Bet you're excited to see yours returning!

  20. I am looking forward to seeing what you all made.

  21. Hmmmm .....My eyes cant work it out.... but I am sure it is gorgeous! It would be amazing to see them all.

  22. Can't wait for the full reveal!!

  23. Such anticipation! I bet you feel like a little kid on Christmas Eve!

  24. Can't wait to see the big reveal - I'm sure the quilts will be gorgeous.

  25. this sounds like great fun! I am sure she will love her new top. A brilliant idea :)

  26. This looks fab, can't wait to see it, and not long until we start next years, yay! :o)

  27. Oh the suspense............

  28. Ooh exciting! I think I follow all five if the blogs so I'll be seeing the reveals soon. What great fun.

    Bet you can't wait to recieve yours. Where is it coming from?

  30. YOU GUYS ARE KILLING ME! It's like the quilty version of the Full Monty :)


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