Sunday 6 May 2012

I Wonder

I wonder, is it wrong to be pleased that the cost of your car repairs came to less than the total value of your car? Or to just be happy that you have it back again?

I wonder, am I too sad for words that I am happy to be throwing out this -

Too ugly for words!

- and not because of its rampant ugliness, or its destroyed cover, but because the damn thing lost some innards and will no longer stand up. It was a fantastically wide ironing board. But now it is one that is only three inches high. I know I am short but even I can't bend that low.

I wonder how long this one will look that pretty?

I wonder, when you make a healthy meal, steamed new potatoes and healthy veg on your plate...

... do you blow the healthiness out the water when you make a cream mushroom sauce and use half a pint of cream in the making?

Yes, that is my wine in the background.
I wonder if it has anything to do with this strange post?

Finally, I wonder, if I now have new hoops to use in my Sample Swap makes for the Retreat, will I ever finish doing the French knots on the original prototype?

I wonder if I should have another glass of wine?



  1. The healthy meal and the cream sauce cancel each other out so it's like you had no dinner. This means you can afford to have the other glass of wine to celebrate the car and new ironing board, but you won't finish your French knots tonight! Have a nice evening:-)

  2. Well I'm sure you shared the cream in the sauce, so that must be health. And at least you're not reduced to riding a bike, although that would help you up your cream intake if desired ;o)

  3. Just glug the who,e wine bottle down...then you'll be incapable of wondering and all will be good ;-)

  4. definately more wine. and tea looks delish (except I don;t like mushrooms!)

  5. Stop wondering and just pour my friend!

  6. what the first catherine said .. enjoy the wine. the food looks great. and french knots, leave that for another day.

  7. A glass of red wine is mandatory to a healthy diet! Balances out the cream, I hear !!

  8. You are clearly following the Montignac diet!

  9. Drink the wine and put your brain into idle! Di x

  10. Just celebrate no b***** school run tomorrow and I'm on the port - cheers!

  11. Definitely more wine! I LOVE creamy sauces, they're my fav! Especially mushroom ones! Made my own korma sauce on Friday (you'd be proud)! It was actually really nice (though i did cheat and used some korma paste), a tonne of coconut milk & cream - yum! Went down well with the rabble too! Jxo

  12. It would be sacrilege not to add a cream sauce to something that was so rampantly healthy.

    And yes you should have another glass of wine.

  13. I just realised I'm an enabler !

  14. The answer is either yes, or no - can't work out which! xxx

  15. Just have some more wine and stop wondering.
    You'll need to celebrate when and if you ever finish the french knots, so make sue you have another bottle to hand!

  16. I had forgotten you have a holiday tomorrow, then the answer is clearly more wine, although likely I am too late. You should have more for the holiday too.

  17. Red wine is good for you anyway as it has antioxidants so have as much as you like!

  18. More wine is always a good idea (until it becomes too much wine of course). The new ironing board looks fab - be sure to post a picture when it becomes brown and funky. And finally, there is no such thing as too much cream.

  19. I vote for another glass of wine and then let's see what you embroider.

  20. I hoped you stopped wondering and started drinking ;-)

  21. I vote for another glass of wine. ;o)

  22. Sounds like you're thinking far too much honey!! lol

  23. I hope you chose the 'more wine' option?!

  24. More wine and use an old towel :o)

    The wine is for you and the old towel to cover the ironing board when pressing for quilting...I did that and I'm saving a lot of wear and tear on my ironing board cover.


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