Thursday 24 May 2012

Day Four of 'The Week Off'

Okay folks, the girls have been gone since Monday now and I have to say I am starting to miss them. Truth be told I miss them other times too - in the evenings when things are quietening down. Hearing about their day. But I have been getting things done without the interruption of the school run and other activities. I will be ready to see them tomorrow though.

I have been working on a variety of things today. Including getting together the things I will be needing for the retreat. I had my list, checked it twice, and still came home without an essential item. Hoping to just pick it up on Friday in London now. Or beg some from a friend. Because I don't want to go back to the quilt shop. Really, I don't.

I can show you one of my accomplishments though. I made a pouch for Danny, who can be found over at Mommy for Reals. She has been asking for help in making zippy pouches and draw string bags for children in care in America. If you think you have a half hour to spare and some fabric then I am sure she would appreciate the help. I made a pouch for a girl. The request is for a simple pouch. She would like them to be as much the same as possible so that all the girls feel they have received an equal gift. I hope one of them likes flamingos!

The pouch needs to be 7" x 9".
One fabric for the outside, and one for the interior.

My zip ends behaved. Yay!

I hope someone finds this bright, cheery and fun.

So that will be posted off to Danny tomorrow. With luck she will soon have 40 pouches and 40 draw string bags.



  1. its beautiful, love the flamingos :)

  2. Pretty pouch, what are you missing from the quilt shop?

  3. That's a gorgeous pouch, lovely flamingos. And I haven't done my retreat shopping yet, so might be able to help with what's missing...

  4. Cute pouch Susan - where are the girls?? I`m working backwards so will go and check!

  5. Gorgeous pouch! Hope the forgotten item isn't anything vital!

  6. Ooh flamingoes!!
    I am having a night off, because it is too hot to sew, or care!

  7. Very cool pouch! What are you missing Susan, I still have to go supply shopping?

  8. How great of you! Someone will absolutely LOVE that bag. I think the color of the zip is just fantastic.

  9. Love the pouches! I tried and failed to make one this week :(

  10. Sent my pouch and drawstring bag off yesterday but I think I made mine 7x9 not 9x7! Yours is gorgeous !! Love the flamingoes!

  11. love that pouch i am going to have to try to make one

  12. What young girl wouldn't love pink flamingoes in golden crowns! Lovely! Enjoy your girls tomorrow. Jxo

  13. I've been rather lustily cutting fabrics, it's hotter up here than it was in London today for crying out loud!

    Loving the flamingos though!

    What are you missing btw, I can maybe swing it?

  14. what girl wouldn't want a cute flamingo pouch? Sweet.

  15. Thank you so much! I'm sure the flamingos will be well received. I mean, who wouldn't want flamingos with crowns??

  16. What a fantastic week the girls will have had - enjoy all the washing.......

  17. Very cute flamingoes. Enjoy having the girls back.

  18. Very cute pouch. Who wouldn't love the flamingoes!

  19. Ooo love those flamingos! Did you get what you were missing? Am planning on doing a stock up on Tuesday, so can get you something if you need it? x


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