Wednesday 9 February 2011

First post fear

First post on my first blog. Scary! So why am I doing it? Well, I have only recently started reading blogs and have been amazed by the creativity, sharing of ideas, humour and abundance of information that exists in blogland. I don't know all the lingo. I don't fully understand how to set up my blog and am not sure that initial posts will be as I want them - but I am going to learn on the job, so to speak, and hope that in time I will have a few followers and hope that they can give me some helpful hints to make this all work.

Who am I? I am a Canadian wife and mother of two girls living in the UK. Even before my marriage I travelled and worked abroad. In the past 20 years I have had a little over two years in Canada. We plan to return there one day but that will happen when it happens.

Meanwhile, I spend my spare time quilting, and crocheting, and sewing, and making, and cooking - I love food. In this blog I hope to share some of the things that I create, and maybe some of our favourite recipes.

Here are a few of the projects I have on the go -

A quilt for my eldest

A baby blanket crocheted out of bamboo yarn

A quilted throw for our sitting room

and granny squares for a granny blanket

There are other things I want to make. Fabric that has been ordered. Quilts crying out to be pieced. All I, or any of us I am sure, need is time. And over time, as they come to fruition, I hope to share them here with you. Maybe the small things I create can help inspire someone somewhere the way I have been inspired by so many others out there. Thank you to all of you who take the time to share your creativity.


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