Sunday 13 July 2014

My Weekend

It's been a busy weekend.

There was horse riding and walks through fields of ripening wheat and along canals (for us non-horse riders) on Friday evening. Saturday I got to hang out with the inimitable Terri.

No, the red shirt thing was pure coincidence.
Helen (though) not in the photo had a red shirt on too.
 This was followed by cake making. A Cinnamon Roll Cake. Too good for words.

The recipe can be found here. 
The evening was taken up barbecuing and with silly antics.

Just practising her water entry for scuba diving.
Then today, all day, was spent with the nicest bunch of kids while they ventured out into the fields of battle and shot their opponents.

It was Emily's early birthday celebration.
She took a number of shots to her head.
The other team wasn't so good at fair play,
but my lot had a great time anyway.
Now I am knackered and about to go pick up an Indian takeaway. Hope your weekend was equally as good.



  1. Sounds like a fab weekend - that cake looks dee-lish-ious, and I love the mock scuba dive pose!

  2. Oh man that looks like great fun and the cinnamon roll cake? I want some! Yummeeeee

  3. Sounds like fun all round (except maybe the yellow paint!)

  4. What fun!
    The cake looks yummy - I shall be trying it, we love cinnamon!

  5. Can you make me that cake when I visit? Happy birthday Emily x

  6. Looks like a fabulous weekend. You guys sure know how to enjoy yourselves!

  7. Such a happy pic, must try the cinnamon cake.

  8. I'm exhausted after reading it!

  9. I would love the recipe for the cinnamon roll cake, we are slightly addicted to everything cinnamon flavoured. x


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