Friday 11 July 2014

I Would Piece 500 Bits...

... of fabric; And I would piece 500 more.

If you are not a fan of The Proclaimers then this blog post title means nothing to you.

Sorry, I've been a bit AWOL but I've not been sitting twiddling my thumbs. Honest. More stuff to be revealed in the future going on here, but after weeks of quilters block and having no idea what to do my brain kicked in yesterday morning early and I came up with a design I actually liked. It's been all go here since then. Lots and lots of chain piecing happening. It's all good fun. Well, it is if you like this sewing lark.



  1. I love that song....and I don't quite know why! I've been hearing it a lot lately. Anyhow, you've piqued my interest in your latest project!

  2. Glad to see you haven't committed hari kari over that project. Yay for unblocking your creativity!

  3. Looks like fun fabric. Can't wait to see what it is going to become.

  4. You're not giving us much to go on............

  5. I'm not a fan of the Proclaimers, but I do know that song, very well, and thank you Mrs, for now putting it in my head.

  6. I agree with Sheila! More secret squirrel stuff I assume!

  7. Ha ha! Loved The Proclaimers reference!

  8. This irony of showing us stuff you cannot show us is not lost on me, you know! And lots of you lovelies are doing it. What are you trying to do to us?

  9. Ah I did wonder who'd kidnapped the last vestiges of my mojo... I was channelling you lot today though, making sushi!

  10. That's a lot of piecing! You're such a stitch tease.. glad inspiration has struck though.

  11. I thought maybe "the proclaimers" was some new quilting thing on the internet with some sort of pledge to do this or that .. like the process pledge or something.

    Glad you were able to break the block. mine is fully intact and I need to do something about it. maybe I'll get some inspiration this week.

  12. I hope we get to see what this is very soon!


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