Sunday, 22 June 2014

Guest Post by Emily

* Emily has requested to write a post today to show you what she has been up to this weekend. So I am handing over the keyboard to allow her to show you. 

I wanted to do today's blog post because Susan isn't the only person around here who makes stuff! Susan makes quilts, Helen makes (writes) stories, John makes things from wood and I make polymer clay charms (I use a brand called Fimo)!

This weekend I have been making charms; I hadn't used my Fimo for quite a while but I saw some videos on kawaii charms and I instantly got stuck in. I watched lots of videos by aCupOfCakeTV and I most of the charms I have made are following tutorials from her.

Yesterday and so far today I have made 8 charms (9 if you include the charm that I am currently making) and here they are:

In order top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right I have:
Ice cream Sundae

In order top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right I have:
Paint Pallet

Also I am currently working on a charm for one of Susan's sewing friends who put a request for it on instagram, it is not yet finished because I still need to add eyes and the gloss varnish. As you will see in the picture it is currently in a bowl of ice to cool and get additional hardening.

Try to guess what it is (hint it is for Rhonda)

I am a very happy Emily as the other day John ordered me some Fimo effect, Beige Fimo (I am very low on this and I desperately needed some more) and a Fimo tool to help me make my charms - can't wait until the next package arrives (I have already got 3 out of the 5 items) as then I will be able to make even more cute charms.

I hope you enjoyed my first ever blog post, thank you for reading x

-Emily =D


  1. Wow, Emily, I love your charms, they are so cute! The peapod is my favourite. And I'm pretty sure that is an owl you are making for Rhonda! Congrats on your first blog post!
    :-) Rx

  2. Hey Em...can I order a couple of charms too?

  3. Emily, I am most impressed, if you ever start selling my son would love a couple to hang on his school bag zipper!

  4. Emily your charms are gorgeous! You have a real talent!!!

  5. Well done Emily! Keep them coming!

  6. Very clever Emily! You have a real talent for this :)

  7. Excellent. The peas are my favourite. In real life though I *hate* peas. :-D

  8. Emily they are so cute - I love the peas and Hubby (looking over my shoulder) liked the toast.
    Keep 'charming' or 'being a charmer' - there is a captive audience out here if you decide to start selling!

  9. These are brilliant Emily. It's very hard to make these as they are so tiny so i can appreciate all the work that has gone into making them. My favourite is the peas charm too :)

  10. So very cute! The peas are my favorites!

  11. These are so fun! Well done on the great makes and a lovely blogging debut - not many people can keep Susan quiet for so long!! My faves are the taco and the peas. Keep having fun.

  12. Hey Emily, great blog post! Your charms are super cute, especially the peas. My sister used to make make fimo models when we were little, that was over 20 years ago, nice to see it's still going! You are part of a creative family indeed, I predict more blogging in your future. Georgia x

  13. Wow your charms look great Emily! Glad to see you're still creating with the fimo :)

  14. Great blog post Emily, I love all the little faces on your charms they made me smile today, thanks for sharing them with us x

  15. Well done Emily, your little charms are just fabulous! Xx

  16. They're brilliant - love the peas in the pod. If you ever start selling them put me on your list. Well done Emily x

  17. Oh Emily......beautiful and talented!!!!! Thank you and I can't wait to see her!!!! Where do you get your looks and talent?

  18. Great job Emily! I especially love the peas- they're excellent!

  19. hmmm i wonder what you could be making rhonda?..... lol lovely work honey x

  20. Beautiful work Emily- LOVED your post. It seems you have inherited a crafty gene too !

  21. Great work Emily love the charms!

  22. Great post Em! My favourite are the cute peas! Well done! Jxo

  23. Well done Emily! I'll look forward to your next post.

  24. they are fantastic! The peas are my absolute favourite :-D

  25. I love these charms, especially the peas! I'm looking forward to seeing the charm you're making for Rhonda, I'm assuming it'll go 'Twit Twoo' when it's finished?!

  26. Well done Emily. So I count a potential dozen orders for the peas & if you add myself that would be 14. (I want 2 LOL). They would make great zip ends for purses, great earrings, tags for sewing stuff & I could go on but you need to get to work.
    Looking forward to the Etsy store.
    Lush x

  27. Clever Em! Great commandeering of CA's blog.
    Love all the little faces and personalities you are giving these wee creatures.
    Come Down Under . . and I'll show you inspiration for koalas, possums, sulphur crested cockatoos, (wont mention our nasty creatures)

  28. Congrats on your first post Emily, I too love the peas, super cute.

  29. What a lovely change to hear your 'voice' on here! Great post and really cute charms. I'm glad you have found something creative you really enjoy.

  30. All of your charms are really cool. My daughter also makes lots of different things out of Fimo, at the moment she is making ear-rings. I love the little faces on them. I think the peas and popcorn are my favourite :)

  31. Well done on your first ever blog post Emily! Hope that the second one won't be too far in the future. Love your charms, so cute. As with so many other readers the peas are my favourites as well.

  32. Love these Emily, especially the pead

  33. Emily, I'm sorry I'm so late in replying (your mum will tell you it often very late to these things ;-) ). But I could t pop by and not say how cute your charms are! I have to admit, that I like the peas in their pod too. I think it's because they are so snugly and snoozy. - a bit like how I feel right now. Most important yo great work on "making" something. I was always too scard of doing it wrong and I missed out on a lot of fun. I look forward to seeing more of your makes :-)
    E xx


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