Tuesday 3 February 2015

I Went AWOL Because...

... I was grumpy, quite frankly. While I do not ever wish to give the impression of a perfect life here, nor do I wish to inflict myself upon you when I am a wee bit disagreeable. No big reason for my grump, just a little bit of this and a little bit of that. When I wasn't grumpy I was busy.

A certain someone turned 14 last Friday. 

I drove down to Southampton on Friday to get the Isle of Wight bestie for the weekend. Friday night we all went and enjoyed the third and last school performance of Hairspray, which both girls were in. Saturday I took them into town. Sunday I took them for an amazing Thai buffet lunch, then we headed south again to return said bestie to her family. I have spent more time in the car than anywhere else it seems. But it was worth it to see one incredibly happy birthday girl. 

Very little sewing has occurred. But some fabulous post was received today. 

From my online friend Maggie I got this Heather Ross parcel of wonderfulness. The pyjamas are for deconstructing and adding to my HR stash, but in all honesty I am wearing the penguin pyjama top right now. Freaking comfie and prefect it is too. I think I may have the best of both worlds here - pyjama bottoms for the stash and the top for me. Woohoo! (The bottoms are about a foot too long for me so this makes sense. Please do not suggest I hem them and wear them as well. We all know hemming is a dirty word around here, like ironing that is not quilt related.)

Needless to day the package from Maggie was more than enough to shake the grump out of me, what with the quilt patterns, fun mini tapes, and extra bits of HR from her stash too. I admit to a girlie girl squeal when I opened the package. And to grinning stupidly to myself with only a gerbil as witness. 

But...  Yes, there is a but...   I also got another package today. 

Some Alison Glass fabric. Let the quilt making commence! 

Yes, I'm a happy person again. Yes, I will try to stay that way. No, I will not take an unauthorised leave of absence again. 

Oh, and no my computer is not fixed. Which may have been one of the things contributing to my grump.



  1. Trust me, I can show you a thing or 9 about being grumpy - Friday was a tiny oasis in my current state of doom!

  2. Happy belated birthday to the 14yr old!! We all get grumpy sometimes but glad to hear it's waning :) Fab packages, I love that print on the right!

  3. Glad you are happy, have to agree about ironing being a dirty word - unless its for quilting, even then I'm still not keen on it,

  4. Happy Birthday to the 14 year old birthday girl !

    I’ve been grumpy lately too . Trying to settle into a new routine has been kicking my butt. I think Im finally getting a handle on it.

    You could just cut those pyjama bottoms off and wear them like that ( just a suggestion- because I wouldn’t dare suggest you go down the hemming road )

  5. Lovely packages! Glad they helped shift the grumps (totally normal for most at this time of year, in my opinion!)

  6. Glad the grumps have gone. We all have them from time to time but it's better when life returns to happier places. Chin up and make quilts my lovely!

  7. ahhh the mean reds.... i get them all the time. pooooo. glad you've had a cheer up parcel tho! and OMG when did H become so bloody gorgeous?! that was scarily fast,....

  8. I think you being grumpy is a big fat lie .. but on the other hand if you would never be grumpy you would be an angel and I am pretty sure you are close but not that close. Anyhow your busy time just sounds amazing with lots of fun and good food and after you got pretty parcels! Life can be so wonderful :)

  9. There has been more than a little grumpiness around here as well.....it's kind of nice to know I'm in good company!!!!

  10. Welcome back! Feel free to be grumpy anytime! And happy birthday to H! Jxo

  11. Sounds like your daughter had a fab birthday - so all that driving was worth it! Wow those pj's are super cute and SO perfect for you. And loving the Alison Glass fabric too. The week is looking up for you...

  12. I sure go through grumpy times. Usually this time of year with the cold weather and short days. Happy you're back in the land of the even tempered. I'm glad your daughter had a wonderful birthday. Time flies when your kids are growing up.

  13. Glad to have you back! We all go through periods of grumpiness. Nothing like some fabric to put a glow back in the world!

  14. I saw that gnome pajamas at my tj maxi right after christmas and nearly bought them, but I can't wear the top as it seems to be designed for someone slightly less well endowed than (plus, I could stand to loose some weight….) And, I didn't know if I would ever actually make anything if I deconstructed them… so I passed them up. If they wouldn't have been flannel, I think I would have bought them. Anyway, isn't it great how a package from a friend can perk your mood up?

  15. Mother load! Nuff said :D xx

  16. lovely vibrant fabric there! enough to cure anybody's grumps!
    Happy sewing again!

  17. Welcome back! I'm in an awful mood today, everyone is seriously doing my head in at work and I think I will be snapping at some point. It happens....

  18. I hope the gorgeous parcels have cheered you up and helped the grumps recede.

    P.S. I know you're small but is there any need to take on the characteristics of one of the seven dwarves?! *takes several steps back in an attempt to avoid the blow* (I'd duck but it would just bring me in range!!)

  19. Glad your back! Can't wait to see what you make.

  20. Mine has been 14 for a couple of months now. Just think, after this they'll be 15! Oh, joy!

  21. Sounds like a good couple of days to get you out of the grumpies

  22. We all need friends that send us these kinds of care parcels.

  23. We all need friends that send us these kinds of care parcels.


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