Thursday, 29 May 2014

Machine Cover Give Away

I am pleased I to say I have another project in Love Patchwork & Quilting this month. They asked for a machine cover with a pattern suitable for a beginner. I think that I managed the brief.

Photo courtesy of Love Patchwork & Quilting
I think that just because a pattern is easier to make does not mean it does not have to be visually striking. I love the contrasts of the linen, the summery colours of the patchwork and the charcoal grey.

I did random close quilting, without quite crossing over into matchstick. With a nice sunny backing fabric. In addition, I made a sewing set to match the cover. A needle book, pin cushion and scissors fob.

Photo courtesy of Love Patchwork & Quilting
It was a satisfying project to make and, as always, a total thrill to be featured in the magazine. I really appreciate their faith in me to produce these varied projects.

And to spread this happy feeling, I'm giving away this set. The machine cover, pin cushion, needle book and fob. Unfortunately for the winner, that really cool pair of scissors is part of the photo shoot and will not be included.

If you would like a chance to win this set then please leave a comment here on this post. For a second chance to win then follow the Love Patchwork & Quilting blog and leave a comment here saying you do so.

If you have never had a chance to look at this brilliant magazine (lots of incredible quilters are in it every month, this is not about me) then they have some special introductory subscription offers (click on links for more details) -

As with all giveaways please ensure you leave an email address if you are unsure if you are a no reply commenter. If the first name out the hat is a no reply commenter then I shall immediately do a redraw. As the Love Patchwork & Quilting issues arrive at different times in different areas of the world this giveaway will open for quite a while, so please be patient. The draw will close on July 2nd and a winner will be announced soon after.

I attempt to reply to comments left on my blog as often as possible but in the case of giveaways that is sometimes not possible. Thank you for stopping by and putting your name in the hat, if you have done so.


Giveaway now closed. Winner posted on July 2nd post. Thank you to all who entered.
Susan x


  1. How do you follow the LP&Q blog?

  2. Fabulous Susan - what the fabric on the reverse?? I love it!

  3. It is a really cute set, it would look soooo good in my sewing room!
    Hope you are enjoying you trip 'up North' .

  4. Thanks for the inspiration! I need a cover desperately and this looks like it could be quick enough to make. I LOVE the magazine. I have it shipped in to RSA. ;)

  5. This is really cute, and I love the pincushions as well!

  6. I would love to win your beautiful creations Susan. :) Thank you for the chance. Congratulations on being a part of LP&Q.

  7. I am now following LP&Q's blog.

  8. Oh how cute. Love these!

  9. Just signed up for the LP&Q newsletter, but I don't see any way to follow. And I don't know if I'm a no-reply commenter - how can I tell???

  10. Nice job! Easy, useful, and pleasing to the eye - what a great project!
    I'm commenting from Google - not sure if that is no reply. Email is: lindapochodzay @

  11. Good for you, count me in and thanks for the giveaway.

  12. Very pretty set Susan. Just visiting oop north myself. I am sitting in a seafront hotel in Blackpool and enjoying the sea view - oh there goes a tram, right outside my window (waves). Jennylarking at gmail dot com

  13. I found this great giveaway through Love of Patchwork Quilting and follow their blog.

  14. I've been meaning to make myself a sewing machine cover for ages, but it never seems to make it to the top of my list. Thanks so much for the chance to win your beautifully designed cover. I'm sure that it's much prettier than anything I would have managed.

  15. Wow what a fabulous make. Can't believe you're giving it away (and that 'Trix' must want it real bag given she must have commented about 30 times ;-)

  16. I didn't know LP&Q had a website. I've added them to my blog roll because it's not a proper blog with updates I couldn't follow it any other way?! Not even sure they'll update on my blog roll.

  17. What a fab set and a lovely giveaway! Rx

  18. So cute! It's always been on my to-do list to make a machine cover. Yours is perfect:) love the accessories too!

  19. Oh, my email is

  20. Loved this when I saw it I themagazine

  21. I love the colors. It would brighten my sewing room too!

  22. Stunning choice of fabric and a lovely easy machine cover. Would look so much better on my machine than the tea towel I use at the moment. (

  23. How exciting! I love hand made gifts and it would be a pleasure to own your special quilted goodies. Congrats on another wonderful magazine publication too. x

  24. I already follow their blog. x

  25. There isn't a blog to follow that I can see, but I subscribed to the newsletter

  26. Love this project and the fabrics you chose! So pretty.

  27. I already follow the magazine on Facebook.

  28. Such a cute project. Again, you've created something gorgeous, but totally do-able. Fab job, lovely.

  29. I'd loved this project when I saw it in the magazine and thought I would make it sometime in the future, when time allows, but I'd love to win it. I was lucky to get a subscription to the magazine as a Christmas present, but I shall renew it myself when the gift runs out. I look forward to it popping through my letterbox every month.

  30. I am getting LP&Q here in Oklahoma, USA - a special treat for me. I follow them on bloglovin too. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  31. Ooh I need all these beautiful things please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. I had a dream that I kept winning competitions,,,

  33. Greetings from Oklahoma, USA. I follow you on bloglovin too. I love your project, fabric and would just love to win this. This reminds me of some place mats you did earlier. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  34. Adorable. Love the straight line quilting.

  35. These are too cute! I would love to have these in my sewing room. Thanks!

  36. I follow LP&Q's blog. I also like them on Facebook.

  37. Hi, love your machine cover+Thanks for sharing!
    Happy to follow you on Blog lovin'!

  38. I follow LP&Q's blog on Blog lovin' !

  39. Congrats on another magazine shoot...well done !

    It looks fantastic Susan and easily do-able by a beginner. You're just getting more and more famous !

  40. Gorgeous, fantastic giveaway, I have my fingers crossed.

  41. Brilliant idea, love the simplicity and the design! Would love to win this

  42. How exciting to be featured in a magazine and such a fun one to read!

  43. A new e-mail follower of Love Patchwork and Quilting magazine.

  44. This is beautiful! I love this magazine and I need to get hold of this issue soon, lots of editing things in it this month. Thanks for giving away this sample, lovely work! irinadejuanAtgmailDOTcom

  45. I love the sewing machine cover.

  46. I follow Love Patchwork and Quilting on FB. irinadejuanATgmailDOTcom

  47. You're on fire!!! Such a pretty project- well done.

  48. tese are gorgeous...I so want this..LOL thank you for the chance

  49. Oh my goodness, this is SO, SO beautiful. I would love to win this set for my little sewing machine corner! If I don't win, I will probably copy your idea and make one for myself. Thanks!

  50. I love the little add-ons! Great design too.

    And I was looking for your contact email address for something else but couldn't find it on your blog.

  51. I didn't know Love P&Q had a blog, but I've signed up now!

  52. I haven't seen this magazine yet. I'll have to seek it out!

  53. Love the design and quilting. I follow you on Bloglovin.

  54. Now following blog. My friend was going to.make one of these this.weekend! to win it! :)

  55. I have this issue and loved your design and I am already halfway through making this for my sewing machine. however I would love to win the actual piece featured in the magazine to give to my Mum.

  56. It's a gorgeous set Susan and if I don't win I'll be making one myself!!

  57. I saw this in the magazine and I was blown away. It's beautiful

  58. You are so talented! I love seeing your work. Keep up the inspirations!

  59. This is the cutest wee set S! Well done on another lovely publication! Don't worry about putting my name in the hat though!

  60. I know my Ellie would love this set for her sewing machine :-)

  61. My poor dusty sewing machine would love your beautiful cover. Fingers crossed :)

  62. I love that cover. I am currently borrowing my mum's machine and was going to make her one as a thankyou

  63. Oh my gosh!! My sewin machine would be sooo excited to win a new "dress"! lol I do need a cover...gave mine to my daughter....for her machine! Haven't made me another!!

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Oops! Was too excited bout following your Blog...forgot to let you know *I am also now Following Love Patchwork and Quiltings Blog too! :)

  66. I love the combination of fabrics you've chosen - wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win...

  67. What a pretty accessory set you've made! I would be proud and happy to be its lucky winner.

  68. Ahhhh, my backup sewing machine sure could use a pretty cover. My daily one is in use all the time and it wouldn't make sense to constantly cover it up. Love those little extras.

  69. What a beautiful and elegant set! It's a great giveaway for a lucky person

  70. Love this magazine and I love your pattern. Thank you for the contest.

  71. This is so pretty, and my machine desperately needs a new cover :-)

  72. I follow their blog on Bloglovin.

  73. Such a beautiful sewing machine cover Susan - love the matching pinnie and needlecase too. Have loved seeing your projects in the last few issues of LPQ so can't wait to get issue 9 as well!

  74. You've done another beautiful job, dear! Gorgeous work - and congrats on another featured project!

  75. Clever you Susan, it is a really fabulous set of projects. Congrats on another feature (and since we have the same machine, your cover would be perfect for mine. Fingers crossed!)

  76. I adore this set. In fact I pretty much adore all the things you make!

  77. I adore this set, and pretty much everything else you make!

  78. Beautiful cover, thanks for the chance to win!

  79. Hi Susan, I love this little set, congrats on another publication. Have a great day :)

  80. Hi It is gorgeous I saw it in the magazine and admired it there! It would really suit my sewing machine and make the kitchen table look so much happier :)

  81. I got my mag yesterday and thought this a great project - also think the panel for the cover would make a great modern quilt block.

  82. Hi Susan! Gorgeus - the cover is fantastic and I love the cute sewing set! Lovely idea to use the same 'pattern' for all these things and those colours are great with linen. I'm so happy for you to work with the magazine! Thank you for amazing give away! x Teje

  83. The cover is beautiful - I'd love to win it please!

  84. I so agree with you that simple but be just as visually striking if not more so! This is a beautiful set and I would love to win. Congrats on another publication :)

  85. Okay perhaps I'm the numpteest of the numptees but I couldn't find a button to follow. I subscribed to the newsletter?

  86. You did a wonderful job creating this set! I would be proud to hve it in my home thank you for the chance to make that happen.

  87. I could not find a button to follow but I subscribed to the newsletter

  88. The pattern is just fabulous and I love the colors you used for the sewing machine set!

  89. I would be delighted to have a handky sewn by you. . . *sigh* . .. .your work is so perfect.

  90. I just love this whole set Susan, it is so beautiful (and more matchstick quilting - loving that more and more!). My class were oohing and ahhing over it last night! I would love to win it!!

  91. I just subscribed to LP&Q newsletter, can't think why I hadn't done that before!

  92. My machine is quite big, but if it doesn't fit it's not a problem, I can cover my guild trip machine with it as it's more of a standard size. Might stop the dust getting onto the bulb and it smelling like burning...

  93. Gorgeous cover....thanks for the chance! Spetzie at att dot net

  94. I follow their blog! Spetzie at att dot net

  95. That's a lovely set. The colours and pattern look great and are a fun mix. Well done for getting into the magazine!

  96. I love it and it's so much smarter than the old pillowcase I use to cover my machine when it's on the table but not in use! Congratulations on another stunning project!

  97. I've added the LP&Q feed to my Feedly.

  98. Saw the gorgeous set in the magazine! Amazing giveaway, thanks :)

  99. Also follow LP&Q on bloglovin :)

  100. That would look so cute on my featherweight, maybe I will win.

  101. I've signed up to follow the magazine blog in my Feedly reader.

  102. Love it, super cute! Thanks for a great giveaway.

  103. I'm following LP&Q on Bloglovin!

  104. Please throw my name into the hat!
    I am totally unsure whether blogger is behaving on the no reply thing... so, I am found at, Love the colours you have used here!

  105. How fabulous! Thank you for the generous giveaway!

  106. Oh my gosh that is so super cute!!!

  107. I love the happy yellow on the ribbons and peeking from underneath, this is such a fun cover!

  108. I follow LP&Q via email, thanks for the chances to win!

  109. Would be thrilled to win this machine cover!!! It's beautiful!!! My email address is

  110. Started following Love Patchwork and Quilting....Thanks for the giveaway!!! My email address is

  111. Love the pattern and would love to win it.

  112. This is a charming set - I'd love it!

  113. I just subscribed to the blog

  114. I have subscribed too. Patti xxx

  115. Well done look s great 2nd July is my birthday so that would be a good pressie for me to win !!! Thanks for the chance Susan .

  116. Beautiful Susan! I'd love to win

  117. i love this magazine and i love your projects!!!

  118. Love, love your cover. I need to make one and get rid of the plastic thing that is on mine.

  119. I'm following Love Patchwork on BL.

  120. What a great giveaway! I have been thinking about a new machine cover for ages. Your design and fabrics are perfect.

  121. OOH How pretty! Check you out always in the mags now!

  122. That's so cute, I keep meaning to make one but hopefully won't have to :)

  123. It is quite pretty and I'm so happy you're in the magazine!

  124. So very cute!

  125. These look absolutely stunning, yet achievable as a first dip into the world of patchwork. Its so easy to see complicated designs and advanced techniques that can put people off trying, however these are little projects that teach you new ways of patching and that can only help everyone.

  126. I love the sewing machine cover. It is simple, but beautiful!

  127. I follow Love Patchwork & Quilting on Facebook and am a U.S. subscriber to the magazine. It is a fantastic magazine and worth the subscription price!

  128. This is so lovely and would be amazing to win, and even more amazing then that would be it you ship to Canada.

  129. Such a pretty cover, would love to win one ... otherwise I might just have to have a go at making one - shucks!

  130. Very nice - it would look lovely on my vintage lavender Kenmore 54! : ) Thanks for the opportunity! notwendy at gmail dot com

  131. I subscribe via email to their blog. Thanks again! notwendy at gmail dot com

  132. fabulous design. thanks for the chance.

  133. I am now a follower of Love Patchwork. I have been a follower on facebook for a while.

  134. My old sewing girl would love this new dress!

  135. I absolutely LOVE this pattern set!! I'm in love with your color election too:)

  136. Well done! I am not a fan of yellow but it matches perfectly!

  137. How did I miss this. Of course I'd love to win it - who wouldn't?

  138. So pretty! Love the fabrics you've used!

  139. Fantastic giveaway! I have my fingers crossed.

  140. This is awesome! Would love to win it and congrats for being in the mag - it's my all time fav!

  141. I follow LPQ via bloglovin. :)

  142. This is a great set for beginners like me and for those that just want something simple but classic for their sewing room. I love the fabrics you used and the needle book is something I haven't gotten around to making yet and could really use. Nth is magazine is the only one that I subscribe to because it has information I can understand and projects that can be done by ANY quilter. Keep up the great work ladies!

    Lisa S.

  143. I follow the blog and have been for a while through Bloglovin. I enjoy reading about your adventures and projects!

    Lisa S.

  144. oh I love all of these things! they are actually ALL on my list of "to do" that seems to never stop growing... how wonderful to cross them off if I win these pretties! :)

  145. What a great set! Thanks for the chance!

  146. Always love your handmade items, well done.

  147. Always love your handmade items, well done.

  148. I dont know if my previous comment went through. Please erase this if it did. I told you that I had this project marked in my Mag to do it. If I win it, its a double win for me! Congrats! Its beautiful and I love it!

  149. I saw this in the magazine and loved it :)

  150. Just spotted this on IG and glad to still have time to enter! I need a new sewing machine cover :)

  151. It is a perfectly lovely set and in my favourite, not quite rainbow colour scheme, too. (I tried not to be too greedy and resist the temptation of entering your splendid giveaway, but it's just too cute).

  152. So very pretty and useful and would look beautiful in my sewing studio. Thanks for the great chance to win! xo

  153. I also follow Love Patchwork & Quilting ... so inspiring! Thank you
