Monday 12 May 2014

Almost There

The binding is sewn onto the front of the Siblings Together quilt and shall be hand sewn down on the back whilst I am 'up north'. (I've gone AWOL for four days. Childfree!)

The next time you see this it will be officially finished. Woohoo!



  1. Wooo hooo! Here's to finishes!

  2. Nearly there now! Nearly there. It's going to be so pretty.
    Hope you're having a great time on your holiday :) Can't wait to hear all about it.

  3. Yay! Bet you've not had time to finish it, you've been having far too much fun!

  4. Yay - lucky you, days away and child free...let me know what that feels like. Can't wait to see this quilt finished!

  5. Child Free ! Sounds wonderful. Happy Binding .

  6. Enjoy your child free bliss ( though I bet you'll miss them, too!) Looking forward to seeing this finished!


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