Tuesday 15 April 2014

Home Again, Home Again Jiggiity Jig

Our extended weekend away has come to an end, but what a good time. The sun shone (a lot), there was plenty of laughter, lots of good food, some wine and a huge amount of relaxing. Perfect.

There is a real joy to being on a ferry,
that makes a not so long journey seem that much more exciting
and the destination more of an escape.
The days were about being outside,
on the beach much of the time,
with friends.
And playing with the various animals,
the rabbit, Basil the dog and the degu.
There was a guinea pig too but I somehow failed to get a photo.
But really it was about the friends...
... and one extremely bouncy dog.


  1. Blimey, that is a bouncy dog!!

  2. Great photos! Looks like everyone had fun.

  3. You sure had a great time, and the dog, too!

  4. looks like a great weekend and great weather. my dad always says home again, home again jiggity jig!

  5. Looks like you had a wonderful time. My Nanny used to say Home again home again jiggity jig...every time we pulled into the garage with the groceries. Your title made me smile...and the good time you had made it stick!

  6. Great photos! Not sure which is funnier, the bouncy dog or the look on DD's face

  7. My goodness, your girls are getting lovelier every day!

  8. Dear lord, look at that dog go! Looks like a perfect kind of break. Your girls are getting so big and are really gorgeous young ladies.

  9. Glad you got sun, we had a lot of horizontal rain and howling winds! They don't call them springer spaniels for nothing ;o)

  10. Yay for good friends and sunny weather - so great to know you've had a lovely time. And that flying dog photo cracks me up every time I see it.

  11. Your girls are such beauties. I keep waiting for them to turn into teenagers with attitude, but all I ever see is those big smiles and their sisterly love :-). I'm sure they have their squabbles (what siblings don't), but their little faces always make me smile. I'm glad you had a nice break. I hope you've come home feeling rested and recharged.
    E xx

  12. Emily's face is a picture in that last one! Looks like you had a lovely time away! Good times! Jxo

  13. Absolutely adore that shot of the pooch with Emily.

  14. Lovely photos. Sounds like you had a great time.

  15. looks like a great time! I love the bouncy dog.

  16. Some wine?????? Glad you had lots of sun. Great shot of the dog and Emily.

  17. Lovely pics, and I'm with you on the joys of a ferry trip too. That pic of the bouncy dog is just precious!

  18. hahahahahahaha! love that last photo!

  19. Time - out. Bliss!
    Oh and that bunny looks suspiciously like the Easter Bunny.

  20. Looks like you had a great time, and that dog is really really bouncy!

  21. Love that last photo - they're called springers for a reason ;o) Welcome home xx

  22. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time! That last photo is just super :)

  23. Looks like you all had a lovely time. Your girls are a couple of beauties - love that first shot of them together and had a chuckle seeing the last shot (crazy dog! lol). Welcome home. :o)

  24. Glad you had a fab time, and welcome back! :o)

  25. Oh I do love the bouncing dog picture!

  26. Springer spaniel? No need to ask why! Glad you had fun and hope you waved as you hurtled past


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