Wednesday 9 April 2014

Food Pinning

Do you pin recipes on Pinterest? I do - right here. I'm a little food obsessed. Have been all my life. I have mentioned before that I have a fairly substantial cook book collection. And I use them, honest I do, but lately I have found that those recipes I pin really do come in useful. They have provided us with some new family favourites within the past year.

Today I prepared for a little trip the girls and I are taking for an extended weekend away. Since we will be staying with long time friends I am bringing food to help out on the kitchen side of things. All three items I made are from my Pinterest board. All have been tried before and proved very successful with others as well as us. If you are looking for something new to add to your repertoire let me tempt you with these ideas.

Snicker Doodle Cookies

The pin is here. These are soft and chewy, and when you sandwich some vanilla ice cream between two of them they go from delicious to pure bliss. Perfect for entertaining as the recipe will give you about five dozen cookies - that's 30 wee ice cream sandwiches folks. Enough that you can sample without impacting on your hostessing duties. Ha! (Would I?!) Oh, and the cookie dough is a-maz-ing! Another food group for sure.

Another good recipe for entertaining is this Cinnamon Roll Cake.

It's huge. And sweet. You have to like sweet here. Though I do cut the glaze to half the amount to reduce that sugar content slightly. The girls love it and their friends love it. Last time I made it I was sending them to school with extra pieces to share because if it all stayed home I was going to be the size of a house. The pin is here.

Last up on the culinary show today was Thai Chicken Salad. It's better described as a Thai Chicken Peanut Coleslaw though.

This is my prepped veggies container. The shredded chicken, dressing and chopped peanuts are in separate containers. I will mix it all together at dinner tomorrow night. This salad should come with a warning as it is highly addictive. Just ask any of the Brit Bee members who have had some at our get togethers. I just ramp up the amount I make according to the size of the crowd. I put in whatever is at hand really, as I seldom have the green papaya specified, but shredded radishes are nice, and red onion works well. Use your imagination and do what works for you. The pin is here.

Quite obviously, from the above photos, I will not be dieting over the next few days. But I fully expect to be having a lovely time with friends I haven't seen in far too long.



  1. I love snickerdoodles...

    I pin food recipes all the time on Pinterest , and I've found some real winners too.

    Enjoy your mini vacation.

  2. Hmm, friends, diet, friends, diet, tough choices there!! I've been and checked out your food board and now fully expect to put on several stone in the next few weeks, thanks for sharing. Have a great few days I love the school hols :)

  3. Oh g-dammit, something else I love and shouldn't eat anymore!!!!!!!!!! I'll have to stick to the sweet stuff x

  4. I've found some great recipes on Pinterest. I've done the Snickerdoodle cookies before and they are delish!

  5. Eeek. You need to come over to my house and teach me how to be a proper mum who enjoys feeding her kids. Its all function here, I can't seem to find the fun in cooking and baking :-(

  6. I could eat your peanut coleslaw all day long! YUM! Jxo

  7. Not fair...trying to be good!! I am drooling just looking at these pictures!

  8. that salad is delicious - I've made it on your recommendation. I'm not going anywhere near those other recipes though. It would end VERY badly ;-)

  9. I've repined a few of your recipes, looking forward to trying them out!

  10. Seriously. I'm moving in with you.

  11. We already love snickerdoodles but now I need to try the cinnamon cake. Pinterst is so addictive, I have spent many happy hours on there. xx

  12. I love pinning recipes and then it's so easy to bring them up on the iPad and follow along while prepping them in the kitchen. No paper shall be wasted.

  13. have never looked at pinterest for recipes. I just google and see what comes up, generally the BBC.
    Then I never find them again. Pin them sounds good. Have a good weekend

  14. I may have to try that salad! Not into sweet things at the mo, I know something gone wrong!

  15. Those a sound promising. Especially the Thai salad and cinnamon cake!

  16. Thanks Susan! And also, damn you Susan!

  17. I made your cinnamon roll cake and it is absolutely delicious! I cut the recipe in half since there are only two of us and I wanted to fit into my summer shorts. :D Thanks so much for sharing such yumminess. I plan to try the salad really soon.


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