Monday 11 November 2013

And The Next Gift Has Been Started

Nothing like the overseas posting thing to really light the fire under my a**e. I've got the next gift I am making well under way. Depsite all the Instagram jokes about bunnies being for Easter. I rather thought that bunnies had an appeal all year round. I certainly hope they do!

I copied the bunny pattern out of my Stitch with Love book. And set to it with the chain stitching. All was going well until I ran out of white floss. There shall be a temporary (very) pause while I get myself into town and source some more floss.



  1. I thought i recognised flossy, i have that book, great work Mrs and happy er Easter, scrub that, Christmas!

  2. dont you just love postage deadlines!!!

  3. Love it!!!!!
    I feel like I'm in the same boat with the overseas stuff arghh!

  4. Love it! Are you filling it all up with stitching? - don't answer, I'm sure you'll show us when it's done ;-)

  5. you are the queen of handstitching for sure

  6. Oh my goodness your stitching is gorgeous. I can't believe you're chain stitching that cute! It must take you forever...but it's totally worth it! Amazing.

  7. That's beautiful and I love the bunny! I think it's to get Christmas presents which are not only for Christmas time. x Teje

  8. You're awesome, Susan! Those bunnies are fab :) ^^

  9. I love the chain stitching, it looks amazing. And bunnies are cute all year long!

  10. That is brilliant - Im sure Bunnies have year round appeal. Your stitching is so intricate.

  11. What a great hand stitcher you are!

  12. How blimmin' quickly did you get that done!! You are obviously best under pressure. Me, it would have taken two weeks to get this far, and at least another two months to get any closer to finished :-)
    He's very cute, and I agree, bunnies are for anytime.
    E xx

  13. I'm still in denial of the whole c word! Bunnies is pretty cute! X

  14. You're so good at greeting your presents started.... Impressing. What are you making? A pillow or something else?

  15. What amazing stitching! You sure are on the production line! Jxo

  16. So cute! I think bunnies can be year round ..

  17. Love the look of the chain stitching.

  18. Argh, when's the deadline? Not even started the stuff I've got to post to the states!

  19. Bunnies are timeless and for all seasons!

  20. Aww, cute! Love the chain stitch!

  21. I so love this little bunny you did that I am going to order the book. I LOVE books almost as much as bunnies. P xxx

  22. Seems like the men in our office were breeding like bunnies at Easter in order to have Christmas babies, you may be onto something ;o)


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