Saturday 27 July 2013

Slow Sewing

My brain has slowed down into holiday mode, and consequently so has my sewing. Today I did the stuff that I had to do (feed them) and needed doing (laundry). Then I went outside and pruned, and weeded, and generally felt that the garden - such that it is - was winning. So I finally gave up and sat on my freshly mown lawn and embroidered instead. Much more satisfying!

I took out my hedgehog that I started at the retreat...

... and I finished her. I am rather pleased with my satin stitch. So often mine looks like it was done by a three year old with really raggedy edges.

That finished I picked up another pattern I had ironed onto my fabric last weekend. Only this transfer clung to the iron with static electricity and moved on the fabric so the pattern is rather blurry/double in places. Those of you in the know - will this come out if I give it a good soak after I finish the embroidery or should I just accept that it will always be less than perfect?

Purple is the traditional colour of yaks, is it not?

On a different note, last night the girls had a bit of a sit in protest in our sitting room. Seems they didn't really agree with our decision that they didn't get uninterrupted telly time through the entire holidays. At least they approached their dissent with humour.

I am learning the art of compromise though. Emily earned extra iPad time to play Minecraft by pruning the big old bush that grows like a weed at the front of the house. This allowed for more embroidery time for me. Can't be wrong!



  1. That sounds like a win win compromise to me! And Minecraft is at least a thoughtful(ish) game - not too much button bashing and kill zones!

  2. Hi. If you wash your embroidery, in a knotted pillowcase (this helps keep the stitching safe), with a colour catcher (for obvious reasons!)on a gentle 30* cycle, the ironed on lines should wash out. Love your work.

  3. That's hilarious! The embroideries look fab though! Rx

  4. Wonderful stitching and the girls are so clever, those notes are hilarious!!

  5. Child labour in the holidays can never be wrong, it's character building. Your hedgehog is lovely. There used to be a show on TV in the holidays called 'Why Don't You...'(Why Don't You Just Switch Off Your Television Set and Go and Do Something Less Boring Instead?) I used to watch it thinking but if I do what the full title says I wouldn't be indoors watching the programme in the first place...

  6. Hahahaha!

    I reckon you should let them, they will be seriously bored after a few days and will choose against it in the future ;)

  7. Have to admire the girls for the imaginative protest ;-) It's the old dilemma, how much screen time are they allowed? I must admit, in our house it depends as much on the weather, how much violence will be involved, and how much time I want to myself :-)
    Love the embroideries; the ironed lines should wash out.

  8. Wow that is some neat satin stitch! Love the notes of dissent from your daughters - I am taking note of all of these tips for how to parent tweens!

  9. Great stitching lady - we allow very little screen time in our house but this afternoon the girls tidied the living room without being asked so watched some Top Gear (?) with their Dad as a treat!?

  10. Minecraft is magic, it makes kids disappear - at least in this house. My son is nowhere to be seen when Minecraft is being played!

    Purple should be the colour of yaks, definitely. Love your hedgehog too, plus points for the satin stitch!

  11. Such neat satin stitch! And I am cracking up at your girls.

  12. Comment above is me. Tip of the day: Never let your step father sign into google on your computer.

  13. The satin stitch looks great! Love the kids notes! I bribe mine with ipod time regularly - of course it's right! :o)

  14. I am always pleased to see young people fighting for their rights, and highly approve of the requirement to earn them with some sweat equity. The embroideries are lovely.

  15. By the end of the summer you'll be able to negotiate world peace! Lovely stitching btw! Jxo

  16. Yep- I think extra telly time needs to be earned...good on you for negotiating the pruning of the bush for telly time. Now just think what else will need doing this Summer!

    Love your hedgehog and the sating stitch is so perfect it looks like it was done by machine.

    Im sure Ive seen purple yaks somewhere else so it's all good.

  17. I bow down to your satin stitch skills :)

  18. Ahh, the art of holiday bartering... I'm sure Yaks always look blurry round the edges anyway, it's all the hair ;o)

  19. bwahahahahahahahaha!

    it's like I can hear your voice in their notes!

  20. Lol! Clever girls asserting their 'rights'! Lovely embroidery, too!

  21. You blew your chance of 6 weeks of peace and quiet, you fool!
    Loving the fuzzy Yak xxx

  22. Love the yak, looks cool, and I'm sure it will wash out. You're right about not allowing non stop chavvy tv, but still, it does mean you'll have to entertain them! :o)

  23. Smart ladies! At least they're protesting in an intelligent manner :D All yaks should definitely be purple too...

  24. Pretty stitching! Love the girls' protest!

  25. my experience is that transfers dont wash out and come back under hot iron. Doesnt look like yours is as bad as you think, a 6 strand embroidery floss should cover it.

  26. Your girls just crack me up! Can't wait to see why other protests they have over the summer!

  27. I love your hedgehog and can't wait to see your purple yak! (That sounds like it could be a euphemism...)

    Love the protest posters - they'll be making placards next and marching through the streets!

  28. I love the Yak...I guess being purple he will be friends with the Milka Cow.

  29. Glad my children are not the only ones who want to sit in front of the tv or iPad all day! I was looking at that embroidery pattern earlier today, so very cute. Must investigate the whole concept of iron-on transfer.

  30. Love your Hedgehog! And of course Yaks are purple:)

  31. I had no idea that yaks in the UK were different than those in the US. Must have something to do with the time differential or the water or something. Do they sound different too?

    I love the earning extra computer/television time. Ingenious!

  32. I think the girls humour is very funny-wonder where they get their ideas from!!


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